A review by lindseyamazur
Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence--A Complete Guide to the Groundbreaking Wheel of Awareness Meditation Practice by Daniel J. Siegel


I’ve given up on this one. Noting that I’ve “read” it, but truly I skimmed to the end. Got maybe 80 pages in and decided I had no desire to continue trudging through word for word. This book was way too dense for me to really get much out of it. And not in the sense that it was beyond comprehension — in fact, I think the author wanted so badly for his words to be comprehensible that he was repetitive, redundant, and simply, in too deep. This was a well intentioned but ultimately not fun read for me. A bit of a shame, since I really wanted to like this book. Siegel tries so hard to break down an ultimately simple concept, that his analysis beats the true message down to a messy convoluted pulp. Perhaps I’ll pick this up at another point in time, but I’m choosing to move on for now.