A review by jim_donovan
The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice by T. K. V. Desikachar


T.K.V. Desikachar is the son of a guru Sri T. Krishnamacharya -- so, he grew up with yoga ever present in his life. His perspective, explained so a westerner can understand (or at least hear it and try to understand) is very helpful.

To learn yoga, and I mean more than just learning a lot of yoga poses, will be easier with this sort of basic and practical insight into the history of the traditions from India. It is curious that the early yogi experts were all men -- that women were not even considered as a part of any practices. It is also interesting that the study was a very personal and often one-on-one with a guru. Not much like it is taught today, at least here in the west.

The book was a part of teacher training for leading yoga practice -- the first couple of chapters give great perspective for the undertaking that's ahead. I'd suggest this guide, over any other yoga writing to help you get serious about a yoga practice especially if you want to understand ~more than just poses~ in your practice.