A review by bookmarkedjosie
Family Style: Memories of an American from Vietnam by Thien Pham


Family Style by @thiendog is a non-fiction graphic novel. 

This book was very different from what I usually read. First of all: it's a graphic novel! I think it's the first one I ever read. It's a memoir, relating how his parents tried their hardest to immigrate and live the American dream, and offer him and his brother a better life. 

You follow not only Thien's parents' journey, but also his own, growing up in a foreign country, where you try to learn a new language and culture to fit in. 

It's very endearing to actually see the emotions and the characters grow. 

Grab your tissues because it's emotional, and also mouth watering 🤤. Each chapter is a food or drink, to represent his life changing. And yes, you'll want to eat everything. 

I grabbed this book on BookOutlet because I thought the cover was really cute and my grandfather is Vietnamese, hence my absolute love for Vietnamese food and culture. It's only when reading it that I realised it was signed! 🥹 It's my first signed copy and I'm really glad it's this one 🥰