A review by tabatha_shipley
Book of Night by Holly Black


What I Did Like:
+Dark vibes. Everything about this character and this world just feels dark and I LOVE that. It’s one of those settings where it feels like danger is lurking around every corner and you have to be on guard the entire time.
+No mistaking the age it’s written for. Some authors have trouble adapting from young adult to adult without it seeming like one of them doesn’t come naturally to that author. Holly Black doesn’t have that problem. Right from the jump, this is obviously written for an adult audience and it doesn’t shy away from that.
+Beautiful, bittersweet ending (my favorite kind). Exactly what I wanted and enough wrapped up to make it highly satisfying.

Who Should Read This One:
-Dark fantasy fans. This one is beautifully dark with a dark MC you can’t help but adore.

My Rating: 4 Stars

For Full Review: https://alltherightreads.com/2023/11/20/2023-book-review-book-of-night/