A review by cestmackenzie
Widen the Window: Training Your Brain and Body to Thrive During Stress and Recover from Trauma by Elizabeth A. Stanley


This was a very interesting and potentially five-star book on trauma until around the 35% mark. Wasn’t a fan of how the author presented the material and conversation past that point - lots of mentioning of her own program, long-winded bits about her experience in the military (we get it; you have a military industrial complex), using the IDF as an example (would absolutely *love* to see a similar example concerning innocent P@lestinians), detailed descriptions of animal death (like, why was this a necessary example…?), actions/solutions that really only a privileged person with resources and connections at their disposal could afford to take, etc. The last 250 pages could’ve also been condensed into 50 pages and would’ve had a more lasting impact.

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