A review by ani_a_1
The Science of Being Angry by Nicole Melleby


Joey is angry all the time and doesn't know why. Shes a young kid and doesn't know better she thinks it's her fault. Shes confused and just wants some answers. 

She has two mums, in a trio of triplets and a older brother and a best friend. Safe to say she has a support system. They want to help but no one knows how to help. Or ask. It's a journey for everyone. 

There was a nice momment at the end. With her mom vs her mother. Her mother birthed her but she turns out to have a lot more common with her mom. Which is a worry for wlw mothers. One of them has doubts of being a parent even though they are. 

It's a story about care and finding yourself. How genetics plays a role into that. Oh and MC has a crush on her best friend.