A review by robinsbooks
Did You Just Eat That?: Two Scientists Explore Double-Dipping, the Five-Second Rule, and Other Food Myths in the Lab by Paul Dawson, Brian Sheldon


Some parts were interesting but the scientific explanations were a little too detailed for my tastes. I tended to skim over the "whys" and "how it was determined" and get straight to the "but should I..." parts. It's a bit like the TV show Mythbusters but not as entertaining and nothing gets blown up.

The bottom line is if you think something has bacteria on it, it probably does (floor, carpet, menus, birthday cake after the candles are blown out) so just be extra careful. And if you want to save yourself a few bucks or reading hours, I'll tell you there is no "5-second rule" or "1-second" for that matter. If you drop something on the floor, throw it away. You're welcome.