A review by akookieforyou
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro


“What do normal people talk about?"

I wanted to love this book so bad, it has everything that should be perfect: a murder mystery, interesting characters, and it's in the Sherlock universe! But sadly there was just something missing for me. The mystery wasn't all that thrilling, I had a hard time staying interested sometimes. And the ending didn't feel as "WHAT?? They were the killer all along????", if you know what I mean. I just wanted something truly awe worthy.

Charlotte Holmes was a tough character to swallow at times. I get that she's supposed to be like Sherlock, kind of rude, and doesn't really understand the way people behave, but Sherlock was also insanely charming at times. You couldn't help but love him. Charlotte was missing a lot of his charm. She did have some good moments, but they were overshadowed by how bitchy she always seemed.

Jamie wasn't my favorite either, but I liked him way more than Charlotte, which saddens me a little, because I was so excited to see a Sherlock type of character be female.

There were some things I enjoyed about this story, one of the main ones being the relationship between Charlotte and Jamie. They really worked well together. And I enjoyed some of the side characters as well.