A review by solafide
Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles


2.65 STARS

Take a minute and imagine that the phantom of the opera has a run in with the dreggs of ketterdam. But you don't stay with the dreggs, you move on to focus on an individual living a private-mess of a life, in a house that uses women.

I really wanted to love this book. I tried to love this book. I couldn't love it.

Most 500 page books I can zoom through, not this one. It was boring and felt like descriptions rather than any action happening.

I wish there was more information on Eva and Demarco, and explaining Demarco's past (that part made legit no sense).

Before reading this book, I read a lot of reviews stating that it is misogynistic. In part Jack [the master] is. But the other men aren't, it's like the women who protested for the right to vote. Jack is definitely abusive and not a good man, but he's not just mistreating her, he's mistreating many people. Kallia, is an extremely strong character, she does a lot of stepping up to challenges to make sure her pride isn't damaged.

Aaros was the best character in the whole book, the other characters were just meh.

Language: minor (which is surprising for a high fantasy YA book)
Romance: flirting and kissing
Violence: medium