A review by ljrinaldi
The Science of Being Angry by Nicole Melleby


This is one of those books where you ache for the protagonist through the whole book. Joey is in pain, mental pain. She wants to scream all the time, and she lashes out at others that love her. Her two moms don't know what is wrong, and don't know how to help her.

Her class is doing a section on genetics, and she wonders where all this anger is coming from. Is it nature or nurture? Did it come from her mom, or from her donor. If it is from her donor, does he know how to control his rage?

Joey doesn't want to be this way, so very angry at the world, but she doesn't know how to solve it, and keeps getting in worse and worse trouble.

There were times I was crying. The author knows how to tear our heart to shreds.

Not an easy book to read, but a good book, because it explores that anger.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.