A review by wylanslcve
Dear Justyce by Nic Stone


okay i was so excited for this sequel. i really was. having thoroughly enjoyed [b:Dear Martin|24974996|Dear Martin (Dear Martin, #1)|Nic Stone|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1495747080l/24974996._SY75_.jpg|44640226], i expected to also enjoy its sequel.

and i did. for the most part.

i was much more satisfied with the first half of the book rather than the second. i liked the concept of getting to know quan through the use of letters, flashbacks, etc while he sat idly in his cell. it was unique, heart-wrenching and overall a great ride.

the second half felt a bit anticlimactic to be completely honest. when the . . . um, the twist *tries not to spoil anything*, my surprise was like a lightning strike: it disappears as quickly as it appears. i could already plan out how the book was going to conclude - and while it was done quite well, i wish it was a bit more . . . unique, i suppose? i don't know how to explain it without giving anything away.

we get to see some of the characters from [b:Dear Martin|24974996|Dear Martin (Dear Martin, #1)|Nic Stone|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1495747080l/24974996._SY75_.jpg|44640226] and at first i was glad, but wow did i forget how annoying and two-dimensional some of them were. okay, they had more substance in the first book, but here it felt like they were just there to draw connections between the two books.

review to be continued.