A review by litsleaze
Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead by Emily Austin


One of my pics for sad girl lit fic.

We follow the heart breaking, existential crisis for an Atheist, 27 year old girl named Gilda, who’s a lesbian and that rocks. Gilda lives alone, in an apartment, suffering from mental illness such as depression and anxiety and panic attacks. On a day she tries to get free help from a pamphlet she saw at the hospital she so frequents, she gets mistaken for coming to a job interview at a catholic church (where the free help was to be hosted).

From there begins the story of Gilda. This book is pure vibes. No real plot. Noting really to solve, other than to solve your loneliness as a reader who may be having the same obtrusive thoughts as Gilda, in your life. We follow Gilda in her existential woe and how nothing matters. She just wants other people to be happy, even if you’re drowning in despair yourself.

Wonderfully written. Comical at times where I legit laughed out loud. Sad and comforting at the same time. I have felt like Gilda, plenty a times. This book is a warm hug. I loved it so.