A review by olivia_piepmeier
The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice by T. K. V. Desikachar


This was one of those books that even though it was an enjoyable and enlightening read, I am so glad to be done with it. I read it for a yoga training workshop so it felt like homework but not in an entirely terrible way. Before reading this, I knew nothing about the 8 limbs of yoga other than asanas (the poses). I like Desikachar's voice and how he explains things. These are not easy topics to explain, so kudos to him. The part that took me the longest was the Yoga Sutras. It's like reading the Bible but not because it's not a bunch of peoples names and lineages. I see the value in including it, but by the time I got to it I was ready for it to be over.

I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in taking their yoga practice deeper than just the asanas. The workshop that required it was a kind of pre-teacher training, but you don't have to want to teach to be able to value this.