A review by lushr
How to Develop Emotional Health by Oliver James


The introduction is still my favourite part, it can be read on the website or seen as presentation on youtube.

I think what fooled me was that it claimed it would be different from all the other self-help babble in giving me philosophy to guide me. but in fact the whole of the School of Life is just thinly veiled self-help.

The rest of the book surprisingly looks at how the nurturing of our parents (or lack of) determines how emotionally healthy we might be. But as I continued to read the book and talk to psychologists and read other materials, I see that it is a very valid and important point to make. And you can only get at the truth of yourself if you do look back. I learnt a lot about psychology, about humans and about myself. But it is still the inspiring first pages which I refer to the most.

While you may meet interesting people at a school of life and have some in depth conversations, their books and class programs are very much of the self-help-i-could-have-figured-this-out-by-reading-a-couple-of-websites variety. stick to the real philosophers and discussions with the very interesting people behind the ideas.