A review by tirwinreads17
The Anxious Perfectionist: How to Manage Perfectionism-Driven Anxiety Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Michael P. Twohig, Randy O. Frost, Clarissa W. Ong


I am new to nonfiction, especially lifestyle and psychology genres on audiobook. I listened previously to “The Anatomy of Anxiety” as an audiobook in April of this year after its release. I enjoyed that one, which gave an intro to anxiety and different reasonable coping methods under categories of exercise, diet, sleep, and more. So I was very interested in this audiobook regarding a more specified type of anxiety that I realized early on while listening, I absolutely suffer from - maladaptive perfectionism.

What I enjoyed most about this book was the background of perfectionist-based anxiety. I could relate to it all so much and it helps to be able to explain some of what I feel psychologically on a daily basis and some reasons why. I’ve never been so seen!

However, no type of anxiety is an easy fix, especially not anxiety like this that is produced from within (internal) instead of in reaction to your environment (external), and I don’t expect to open any book and learn how to rid myself of it. This particular book focuses on “acceptance and commitment therapy” (ACT) as a way to reduce maladaptive perfectionism. This method is more reactive to the harmful internal thoughts and feelings we have instead of proactive in preventing them in the first place. While the book offers some journaling, thought, and other very specific types of coping exercises which I quite honestly will not attempt to try, the overall gist basically is taking the time to be more self-aware and assess all perspectives when facing this type of anxiety. The goal is to choose a more beneficial and positive reaction than an initial harmful one. Just being more level-headed and mindful. I will be more conscious to utilize this method, but it really is not groundbreaking information for folks with anxiety. More like common sense.

Thank you to NetGalley, Tantor Audio, and the authors for an advancer listener’s copy in exchange for an honest review!
