A review by teachinsci
The Color of Dragons by Erika Lewis, R.A. Salvatore


I read this book with my daughter to introduce her to one of my favorite authors (Salvatore). Because of that, it took a bit longer for us to read and was a little more broken up than a normal read. Because of that, we didn't notice as much the shift in the perspective of the different pov characters as others have mentioned.
The majority of this book was enjoyable and interesting... in fact, my daughter got very invested in the characters.

Speaking of the characters, the main (pov) characters had very distinct voices and personalities. It was fairly obvious that they were written by the individual authors. The other main characters were mostly fairly one dimensional though well written.

The two problems I had with the book were:
1) the title "Color of Dragons" implies that there will be more than one dragon or that the dragons themselves will be a major portion of the book. They were not. In fact, while a very interesting personality was hinted at for the one dragon in the book, it was never explored and I felt like this was a missed dimension in the book.
2) the ending. The close of the book felt rushed. There were a lot of revelations near the end that weren't really dealt with. Then, A LOT of action was implied/waved away in just a few sentences. In addition, After reading the last paragraph, both ​my daughter and I said, "What?!?" The tying in of the book to a greater legend felt a bit shoehorned into the story and even cheapened the story.

I will (and currently am) read more R.A. Salvatore. As far as this new author, I would certainly give her another chance, and my daughter as well, but hopefully if they collaborate again the ending will be as well thought out as the rest of the book.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.