A review by queen_kitty
The Right Side of Reckless by Whitney D. Grandison


I think this had some great commentary on doing what’s best for yourself and also the fact that people can change through hard work and the right influences. However, I found a majority of the characters so frustrating!! Regan’s parents for most of the books are gaga over her boyfriend Troy because he plays high school football and her dad especially is so set on them being together forever with Regan as Troy’s future accountant when he goes pro. It was just weird to me. I mean…these adults totally obsessed with a 17-year-old high school football player…I guess that might be the case with some parents, but it just felt so weird to me. Troy was such a controlling jerk too. I did really like the friend group that Guillermo forms of essentially the school’s misfits: Jenaya, Avery, and even Raviv. I thought that was a really cute dynamic.

Slightly spoilery thoughts: The ending felt weird to me. Since the book’s main point is to get the two love interests together, that obviously works itself out. The tension between Regan and her brother came out of nowhere though and ended up feeling unresolved and she never finds her beloved dog?? And she doesn’t even seem that mad at her dad for losing him for the SECOND time? Regan’s dad was honestly such an immature mess.