A review by clowdywings
American Royals by Katharine McGee


This was exactly the book I was looking for for years!

This is told in 4 perspectives:
- The to-be Queen
- the Queen's rebel(ish) sister
- the rebel sister's friend
- the ex-girlfriend of the Prince

The story was so enjoyable! In some spots, it reminded me of "Red, White, and Royal Blue" and "The Selection." It was fairly slow-paced, but as it's part of a series, it makes sense. It does leave off on a cliffhanger mid-climax.

My favorite part about it though is the general idea of it all. (What if the US had a monarchy rather than a democracy?) I did wonder about this in a few of my history classes and this really did quite well. The historical facts are, of course, altered to fit this different USA.

The characters were pretty much the best part. A lot of them felt really alive and like/hate-able. I wasn't a big fan of the really long names.
-Princess Beatrice: I liked her to a point. Wasn't my favorite character, but okay.
-Twin 1, Samantha: She was pretty cool and not fully predictable
-Twin 2, Jefferson: Wasn't fully fleshed out and I kinda hated him for the dumb choices he made.
-The parents: meh. Barely even there.
-Daphne: what an idiot. I did not like her.
-Nina: she was my favorite because of how real she was (exception being the friendship with the royal twins).
-Teddy: poor fellow.
-everyone else: cool but I didn't really enjoy them all too much.

The writing was fun. The 4 POV's did throw me off, quite a bit, since it swaps through them whenever the author felt like it was appropriate. It wasn't my favorite part, but it helped add to the story and tension.

I did think it was quite an enjoyable book. I suggest it for fans of "The Selection" and "Red, White, and Royal Blue" and cannot wait for the second book!