A review by sandygx260
Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione


Larissa Ione is a solid writer and a great world builder. I loved the twist on the Four Horseman idea.

But, and damn, this is a giant but, I hated how her immortal characters spoke and acted.

Hearing 5,000 year old immortals declare "Duh" on numerous occasions derailed my reading directly into the abyss. I expected one immortal to snap her gum. Instead she slapped her flip flops against the stone floor numerous times.

The cliche heroine, she frail but feisty, brave but tragic, held far more interest. To my recollection she never said "duh" in response to a question or statement.

The author makes a huge point of describing how the immortals live in remote locations surrounded by vampires or demons as servants. Unless they watch lots of TV, why do they speak like jaded kids?

I don't get it.

And when one immortal kept declaring "Jesus", I wondered again why would a 5,000 year old immortal invoke Jesus, especially since the character had once been a Greek god!

The dreadful dialog and certain "try to humanize the immortals" characteristics ruined the story for me. Hey, whee, the immortals like to toss around a football in the house! Fratboys or immortals? Yeah.

This book is the first in a series. Not interested in reading any further.