A review by darlingfleur
American Royals by Katharine McGee


⭐️ 2.5/5

I was originally so excited to read this because it was everything I liked. However, I was super disappointed with how it went. So, the concept was great but the execution was bad.

The plot and all the relationships in the book was super predictable. Something I did not understand was George Washington becoming king. I know that the main point of this was that he became king and America is a monarchy but it just doesn’t make sense given how one of the main points of the American Revolution was to get rid of aristocracy. Yet, in AR the nobles in America are everything that the founding father wants to abolish. It just doesn’t make sense.

Now onto the characters. I think the only characters that didn’t make me angry was Nina’s college friends. Everyone was just so annoying and whiny. Also all the characters are so so OBLIVIOUS. It was so frustrating.

I did not care for Beatrice at all. That’s all I can say about her. But, I did love her relationship with Connor but I felt like he deserves better.

Sam is probably my favorite out of them all. Although, she does make me angry, she made me feel the least angry. And I also hate her relationship with Teddy, like please get rid of them in the next book.

Nina was so so whiny and selfish. I still liked her for some reason but she was just so selfish. I really disliked her when she was telling Sam how she felt left out and stuff but she didn’t take in consideration of how Sam felt in that moment. She was a really bad friend. I loved her relationship with Jeff but I hated him lmao.

I don’t think I’ve hated a character more than I hate Daphne. I was always the person that liked the “good guys” more but I can appreciate some villains. However, I just cannot like her. I think the main reason is because she acts like she’s doing the right thing and she doesn’t think of herself as mean or cruel. Another reason is probably because she’s so fake, like Nina and Ethan knows the real her but everyone else thinks she’s an angel. Also, what she did to Nina and her best friend? Beyond cruel. SHE LITERALLY DRUGGED HER FRIEND! I swear if she doesn’t get what she deserves (that being everyone knows her plans and she doesn’t get what she wants) I will riot.

Also, I did not like the writing style. It felt so forced and all the relationships felt forced too.

The only part I liked was the ending. It was very well done (even though it didn’t make any sense) and I got the chills.

So basically, this book made me super angry and frustrated (that it took me months to read cause I also didn’t want this to be the first thing I read in the new year) but I’m still gonna read the second book cause I need closure.