A review by cravebooks
Love, Decoded by Jennifer Yen


So I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t finish this book because there was just a LOT lacking in the story. I loved the concept and I thought it was going to be a really great book, but I made it last 100 pages and realized I simply did not care about the characters or what happened in this book. I think my main issue with the the main character, Gigi. She is a very rich girl who seems to have everything handed to her in life and yet all she did for the first third of the book was just complain about the most trivial things. Also, I know that this is supposed to have remnants of an Emma retelling, but it did not work out for me because it seemed to have kept more of the rich classist side of that story, instead of the nosy matchmaker side. Gigi is very rich and the fact that in todays day and age, she still doesn’t realize that not everyone has as ,cub as she does just seemed too unrealistic.. Also, Yen made at least three references to Covid and I would like to leave that in the real world. So, I just did not connect with these characters and did not care enough about the story to finish this.