mrcasals's reading stats

Viewing stats for



8 books, 1,804 pages

Average time to finish
5 days


Pie chart with 8 slices.
Pie chart showing moods of books read in June 2023. The data are as follows: reflective - 3 books (23%), tense - 2 books (15%), emotional - 2 books (15%), dark - 2 books (15%), mysterious - 1 book (8%), inspiring - 1 book (8%), informative - 1 book (8%), adventurous - 1 book (8%).
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books


Pie chart with 3 slices.
Pie chart showing pace of books read in June 2023. The data are as follows: slow - 1 book (17%), medium - 4 books (67%), fast - 1 book (17%).
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books

Page number

Pie chart with 2 slices.
Pie chart showing page number length of books read in June 2023. The data are as follows: <300 - 7 books (88%), 300-499 - 1 book (13%).
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books


Pie chart with 2 slices.
Pie chart showing book type of books read in June 2023. The data are as follows: fiction - 6 books (86%), nonfiction - 1 book (14%).
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books


Bar chart with 11 bars.
Bar chart showing genres of books read in June 2023. The data are as follows: Science Fiction - 3 books, Dystopian - 2 books, Classics - 1 book, Feminism - 1 book, Short Stories - 1 book, Romance - 1 book, Mystery - 1 book, Literary - 1 book, Fantasy - 1 book, Crime - 1 book, Comics - 1 book.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying No. of books. Range: 0 to 4.
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books


1,801 pages

Pie chart with 2 slices.
Pie chart showing format of books read in June 2023. The data are as follows: digital - 1 book (13%), print - 7 books (88%).
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books


Spanish: 75.0%, Catalan: 12.5%, English: 12.5%

Bar chart with 3 bars.
Bar chart showing languages of books read in June 2023. The data are as follows: spanish - 6 books, catalan - 1 book, english - 1 book.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying No. of books. Range: 0 to 7.
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books
Star ratings

7 reviews

Average rating: 3.5

Bar chart with 4 bars.
Bar chart showing star ratings of books read in the time period. The data are as follows: 3.0⭐️ - 4 books, 3.5⭐️ - 1 book, 4.0⭐️ - 1 book, 5.0⭐️ - 1 book.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Rating.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying No. of books. Range: 0 to 5.
End of interactive chart.
Click on any chart segment to view the books
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