aconitecafe's reviews
554 reviews

Salem's Vengeance by Aaron Galvin

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Great book.

Loved reading it. Felt arcuate for the period. You could tell the writer did their research. The pace was great, and I loved the character growth throughout the story.
Born to be Bound by Addison Cain

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The writing in this book is great, the authors use of language, description, showing, etc all great. The story flowed nicely, and was at a great pace. So for that I am giving it 4 stars.

If you are someone that rape/abuse makes you upset (honestly I don't know how to phrase that), don't read this book. It is very graphic, and what the main character goes through isn't for the faint of heart. If this book was written in our universe I guess you could say? people would be rioting in the street about rape culture.

That being said over all it was an interesting premise, and well write.
Disenchanted by C.K. Farrell

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Information overload.

This is a first book of a series so I will say that before saying that this books was all back story. I was bored for most of it because it was just a lot of information. But it might all come together nicely with the next books so we'll see.
Jane-Emily by Patricia Clapp

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loved this story, super creepy. great ending.
Gertie's Paranormal Plantation by Melanie James

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Erotica warning.

I know that many don't appreciate that surprise so I'll just state it in this review. Hilarious story, I was in tears laughing at her antics.
Isle of Bones by Humphrey Quinn

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Great world building

This novel is very much an introduction into a much larger story arc. So glad I already have the second one. Many questions were introduced, and few were answered. It wasn't a unpleasant cliff hanger though. It looks like this series is well laid out. Good read so far.
Isle of Wolves by Humphrey Quinn, Starla Silver

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Great progression!

In love that a. This book told you it was a series, and that you need to read them in order. And b. It didn't have the chapter of getting to know you. I hate that about so many series. So many wasted pages. These books get to the point but still develop the over arching storyline. Worth the read. My only complaint is the lack of communication between the family. At this point in their lives I feel like they would announce bad feelings etc.
The Mermaid's Gift by M.L. Bullock

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Good series opener.

This was a good read. The characters were well laid out and felt genuine. I like the style of chaptering via character view points.
Lorelei's Lyric by D. B. Sieders

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Deep characters.

This story is about recovering and discovering your own way. It was a good read over all. The pace felt a little off in places, and lacked some explanations here and there.
The Haunted Manor by Emilia Hartley

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I received this book for free, to review. Overall this was a great read. It was quick, I read it in an evening. The story progresses perfectly and all loose ends are tied up nicely. The characters were well written and complex but also relatable.

The cover gave me the initial impression that it was going to be a heavy romance with many saucy scenes that would be there just for the sake of being there but that wasn't the case. The romance was believable and well laid out.