aconitecafe's reviews
554 reviews

Uneasy Spirits by M. Louisa Locke

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Twists and turns throughout!

This was a fun read. Didn't expect the outcome at all but totally made sense after the story was over. Love those kinds of mysteries. The characters were great and I was so wrapped into their story. There for a few unanswered questions with some of the minor characters but everything else was wrapped up well.
Hidden Wings by Cameo Renae

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Loved it!

This books did great at world building while keeping the pace of the read. It was hard to put down. Can't wait to read the next installment. The main character was relatable and I felt for her throughout the story.
The White Aura by Felicia Tatum

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This book was hard to put down, the plot drew me in, and the over all the storyline kept me wanting answers along with the characters. The book goes back and forth between the two main characters which I LOVE, it also has more dialog than most books i'd say. These two things added to my emotional connection with the characters in the story. The main character in this story is in High School, so while her thoughts and worries do seem a little artificial, high schoolers can be over dramatic about stuff that doesn't matter so I feel it does fit.

Being that this is the Authors first book I am not going to hold it against her that it does need a hard edit, and there is some major cheese throughout the story. But it is a young adult, paranormal book so I also feel the cheese / cliche is to be expected.

The Prophecy of Shadows by Michelle Madow

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When I started reading this book I wasn't sure what to expect as the cover doesn't really give any hints and now that I've finished it, the cover makes less sense.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story, it was a nicely laid out storyline, and made me feel like it could be real life. My only issues was with the transition from introducing the characters and story to the "quest" so to speak. It bothered me how they never went back to the teacher to discuss it and just went off to fight the unknown I guess.

Definitely a great read, and look forward to reading the next in the series. The characters were complex and all had their own finding themselves drama and faults.
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

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Loved, Loved, Loved this book! I didn't read the blurb or any reviews about it prior to starting it so I had no idea what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised at the depth of this super natural world. I LOVE the authors depiction of all the different creatures so to speak, especially her vampires. Just how I would imagine vampires to be in they were real. The storyline was well layout and gave the right amount of suspense for me. My only complaint is that Diana was a little too accomplished education/career wise for it to be believable for me I guess, but it could be wound that that some of it came from subconscious witchcraft within her. Not holding it against the overall book, just stood out while reading. Can't wait to read the next in the series.
Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness

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Just as good as the first. You can tell that these books were researched well within the writing. Great addition to the story. Can't wait to finish the series but nervous about how it's going to end! This segment definitely added suspense to the over arching storyline. There was great character growth within this book, and questions left un answered.
Resist Them: A Dystopian Thriller by Scott King

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This story was real life creepy. It is a VERY slow start, but after finishing the whole story I think that the slowness made the ending more climactic. I wasn't expecting the ending at all. The final epilogue was the best part of the book. It gave a great recap of the story and characters.
The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness

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This book was a great conclusion to the series, it was hard to put down because of the continued build of pressure on the main characters! I just wanted to know if they were going to survive this craziness or not! At some points I felt it really could go either way.

I LOVED that the series dived so deep into the science and background of the "creatures." It made it feel so much more real/relatable for me. The series was well researched and well written, it was apparent in the writing the time that was put into building this world and making it feel as real life as possible.
Murder on the Lake of Fire by Mikel J. Wilson

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Holy cow! This book was so crazy, but crazy good. I'll be honest, I don't read blurbs, only genres. So I wasn't sure what I was getting into, I said holy shit many times through out this book. I will be writing a full review on but if you're into murder mysteries read this book!

The only negative that I came across, was there were a few points that the writer flat out gave away the foreshadowing word for word instead of letting their writing do the talking. Also the point of view changes from character to character within chapters and that was a little unsettling but you get used to it after a few changes.
Yesterday by Samyann

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Overall this is a wonderful story. Amanda and Mark have a whirlwind adventure discovering their history together with the help of Amandas Aunt. The ending was a slight let down, but for any Romance reader, I'd imagine it was thoroughly enjoyed. Time in this book also was a huge annoyance for me. I wasn't sure ever how many real days had pasted, even know I'm not sure the time span this book take place over. While the "back in time" parts were most all dated so you knew when and where you were.

It is a really great take on reincarnation, and well worth the read.