aconitecafe's reviews
554 reviews

Runes by Ednah Walters

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I read this book because it was inside "Marked by Fate" and to be honest it was a hot mess. After looking into this series, I've realized it was the very first in a large series so I will give it the benefit of the doubt that that is why it's such a weird book.

The main character says many times maybe it's magic, no it can't be magic isn't real. . . this really made me have to put the book down due to a fit of laughter. Who says this? Whose first thought when coming into contact with the strange and unusual is maybe it's magic?! But then again nothing Raine did was logical, it was all to move the story along.

The wrap up this book felt forced, none of it seemed logical, especially the Eric stuff.
Living the Good Death by Scott Baron

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Overall this was an enjoyable story. The cover in no way gives a preview to what the book is about. Honestly I can't think of a single things to describe this story that won't give away major plot points. It's worth the read, my biggest complaints are that the dialog needs to be flushed out more. At times they all sound the same, not like individual people. If this were turned into a movie, I imagine Curtis played by Morgan Freedman.
Rise by Sierra Cross

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The plot, twists and foreshadowing are all well laid out. The book moves along at a great pace and kept my interest. It is a romance. I'm not sure why it isn't labeled as that, as it's missing out on a huge market that would love this book. But the romance is one of the main plot point in the book, so if you aren't into that beware.

There is a need for a editorial once over, but nothing that drags you out of the story. I don't know why but it really annoyed me that the author shortened Alexandra to Alix, I felt I was missing the point of changing the e to an i with the shortening. Usually that would imply two different people. . .

The world is well build, and laid out great, I didn't feel like there was any information dumping going on, and all my questions were answered as needed. It looks to be a thrilling series.
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

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I would guess, that if someone read this book and roll their eyes through most of it, or discredit the realness of the story, they are unaware that these events happened in their high school. Take a moment to use this story to see high school from the eyes of someone else. Don't discredit the book, attempt to understand it.

I relate to Hannah on so many levels. So many of these things happened to me or to my friends in high school, having them all happen to one person within one year, would be too much. It happens, we all read the bullying and suicides in the news. It happens. While it seems that the things she dwelled on were petty, she also states many times that there is more than she is telling the students listening to the tapes, and that in the end is all comes down to her not being able to live with herself. She takes full blame.

This book is well researched, and laid out perfectly. Personally I think that the tapes in themselves were another way of self therapy for Hannah. If she got through the end of telling her story to the air, and felt better letting it all out she would have destroyed them. She used them to process her life, and thoughts, the same way some would use a journal.

I also think that reading this as an adult looking back on my own high school experience gives it a different perspective. I can see how adults that didn't have this type of high school happenings would feel disconnected to this book. But it's about seeing life through the eyes of someone else, not always being able to relate to it.

I do like that the TV Show finished out the story, the book was missing the final days, as the teacher would have received the tapes and there would have been fall out from that. But overall the book was better than the show.
Haunted Redemption by Rebecca Royce

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The beginning of this book in no way lets you in on all will go on, you have to get yourself through the first half at least. There is something about reading a book that takes place in the city you live in. Makes it all the more real, sucks you in more. Totally loved that this one is based in Austin.

The characters are well crafted. The hidden motives, plot twists and more kept me on edge for the whole book. Can't wait to read the next book! It's only an introduction to series in this first installment.
Pinnacle by Lynn Veevers

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I am so glad this is a series! Book one leaves you with the need for more information on this world and the characters within it. I love that it has many facets to the magical world. There is so much to be discovered, even though we've already learned a ton about Kaya and her world.

The characters are well developed, they all have unique personalities and each stand out in their own way. This really amazed me as it is a huge cast. They are all also very true to their age, in reactions and emotionally.

It does have some first book for an author qualities, but if you can ignore them you will enjoy this story so much.
Halcyon: A Sentinel Novel by Caroline Akervik, Ruth Rankin

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This book is Mean Girls meets Hunger Games. It kept me intrigued throughout the whole story. I loved that Hailey wasn't your typical YA main character. She followed the crowd to be popular, didn't accept the out of the ordinary just because someone told her it was so, and second guessed everything about herself and her decisions every step of the way. Typical teen. The "plastics" of this story were brutal, and screamed real high school experience for anyone of a Clique like that. I also appreciated that at the end of the day, no matter what was going on in the bigger picture, for these Sophomores it always came back to arguing about day to day school drama, like who's hot and who's not, who likes who, and who is smart. The world may be ending but 15 year olds will always be 15 year olds. LOL
The Retreat by Kelly St. Clare

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The creepiest part of this book is the events are plausible. It leaves you with a 1984 feeling. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy. The characters are well laid out, I was just as engrossed in the misdirection and deception as Rosemary was.
Thirteen Mercies, Three Kills by Liv Olteano

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Cristina Mera is an unconventional girl within a conservative world. Her journey of self discovery made for a great story. The first 3/4 of the story was a slow build, and then all of the action happened within the last 1/4. It made me have a "well that escalated quickly" moment. Overall worth the read, and would make for some awesome spin off novels. I was left with so much curious questions about the world!
Addicted by Krys Fenner

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I will start with the good, Addicted does a decent job of dealing with the difficult topics (there are a few taboo topics in this book). I believe Bellas reaction to her situation is spot on, and well depicted. That being said, the timeline is all over the place, and the point of view for this book, while needed for the deep topic, isn't executed well. Also, the version of the book I read needs a serious line edit.