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alenaysu's reviews
181 reviews
The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu
So boring. Extremely monotonous way of writing. Things just “happen” and the characters lack emotion as if they are robots
The chapters with the game world became so boring that they put me into a reading slump. I genuinely couldn’t care less after reading page after page of them trying to come up with a solution only for it to fail again. I was asking myself constantly what the point of this book is and when I finally found out the big “reveal” it felt like a big disappointment
The chapters with the game world became so boring that they put me into a reading slump. I genuinely couldn’t care less after reading page after page of them trying to come up with a solution only for it to fail again. I was asking myself constantly what the point of this book is and when I finally found out the big “reveal” it felt like a big disappointment
Daisy Haites by Jessa Hastings
I don’t really know how I feel about this book. I didn’t like Daisy as much as I liked Magnolia + too many side characters. Maybe the reason I didn’t like Daisy’s character that much was because I love Magnolia so much and Daisy hates her 😕
I just found it a bit weak at some parts. The story picked up a bit towards the end
I read this book after finishing Magnolia’s book but I will definitely reread this one along with the first Magnolia’s book (tandem reading) maybe I will enjoy it some more this way!
Now about the footnotes: at first I found them a bit confusing and unnecessary BUT somehow I grew to love them?? It felt like I was actually friends with the characters and they were sitting next to me while I read their story and they give me little “side comments” along while I read. Honestly I felt less lonely and it gave a special vibe I didn’t get from any other book 😄
BUT I’m excited to read the second Daisy Haites!! (Because of Julian!🤌🏼) but for me it’s MP over Daisy
Magnolia Parks - The Long Way Home by Jessa Hastings
First of all, a MAJOR praise to Jessa Hastings:
I don’t know what Jessa Hastings put into these books but I’m addicted 🤌🏼
I never buy all the books in the series at once because I never know if in the middle I might dnf a series but this Magnolia Parks/Daisy Haites Universe books? I bought them ALL without thinking twice. Never in my life I was so obsessed with a book series that I spent my whole free time reading them and when I don’t read them, I keep thinking about them!!
Jessa Hastings writes in such a way that the characters become so real that I get disappointed every time I think about how it’s all just fiction and not real.
Thank you to Jessa Hastings for creating this amazing universe that live in so many readers head🫶🏼
The book is divided into two parts:
In the first part we learn more about Magnolia and BJ’s past, their relationship and their traumas. We get many explanations and a deeper insight on why they act the way they do.
First I was a bit disappointed when I read the first few pages and realized that BJ has a girlfriend in this book. I didn’t expect the book to be good if the story already starts so disappointing but it all turned out SO good and I’m glad I didn’t let my initial judgement cloud my opinion on this book too much🙏🏼
Generally speaking I enjoyed the second part of the book more than the first and the reason for that is absolutely JULIAN HAITES!!
I needed MORE of him, I absolutely fell in love with him and I’m looking forward to reading “Daisy Haites The great undoing” to read everything from his perspective 🫶🏼
BUT I do have some critic points that annoyed me (Spoiler alerts beginning from this part on):
-Yes Bj finally admitted the reason why he cheated and yes what he went through was horrible and I understand his trauma BUT it was NOT excuse enough to justify cheating
-the fact that BJ kept blaming magnolia for leaving?? And saying it was worse than what he did? I beg your finest pardon? 😃 this girl just found out you cheated on her with her best friend and you expect her not to freak out and do any drastic decisions? Why does bj think his cheating can be justified because of his trauma but magnolias reaction can’t even though she went through her own trauma in that moment? It annoyed me a lot that magnolia was portrayed as having a fault in this as well
Pretty Scandalous: Heißer als Rache by Tami Fischer
Eines meiner Highlights des Jahres! 🥹
Fange sofort mit Band zwei an!! 🙏🏼
Fange sofort mit Band zwei an!! 🙏🏼
Paradox: Am Abgrund der Ewigkeit by Phillip P. Peterson
Als ich "Paradox" zu lesen begann, war ich voller Vorfreude. Die Prämisse klang faszinierend: Die erste bemannte Mission, die unser Sonnensystem verlässt. Leider erwies sich meine Begeisterung als verfrüht.
Ein Großteil des Buches – gefühlt mehr als die Hälfte – dreht sich um die Auswahl der Crew-Mitglieder. Die Kandidaten und ihre Geschichten werden vorgestellt, ihre Qualifikationen diskutiert und wieder verworfen. Diese ausufernden Debatten ziehen sich wie Kaugummi und bremsen jeglichen Handlungsfortschritt aus. Selbst nach der Hälfte des Buches scheint die endgültige Crew-Zusammensetzung noch nicht festzustehen.
Wenn nicht gerade über die Crew-Auswahl debattiert wird, beschreibt der Autor akribisch das Training und die Vorbereitungen für die Mission. Zwar sind diese Details realistisch, doch sie tragen wenig zur Spannung bei. Der Leser wartet vergeblich darauf, dass die eigentliche Reise endlich mal beginnt und die Story anfängt.
Zudem wird der Leser mit einer Flut technischer Details überschüttet. Statt einer packenden Geschichte verliert sich der Autor in endlosen Diskussionen über Raumschiffkomponenten, Lebenserhaltungssysteme und die Feinheiten der interstellaren Navigation. Diese Informationen sind für den durchschnittlichen Leser, der eine spannende Science-Fiction-Geschichte erwartet, eher ermüdend.
Die tatsächliche Reise ins Unbekannte, der Kern dessen, was das Buch so vielversprechend machte, nimmt bedauerlich wenig Raum ein. Schätzungsweise nur 5-10% des gesamten Werkes widmen sich der eigentlichen interstellaren Expedition.
Für Leser, die sich für die minutiösen Aspekte der Raumfahrt interessieren, mag das Buch seinen Reiz haben. Wer jedoch eine packende Science-Fiction-Geschichte erwartet, wird leider enttäuscht sein.
Ein Großteil des Buches – gefühlt mehr als die Hälfte – dreht sich um die Auswahl der Crew-Mitglieder. Die Kandidaten und ihre Geschichten werden vorgestellt, ihre Qualifikationen diskutiert und wieder verworfen. Diese ausufernden Debatten ziehen sich wie Kaugummi und bremsen jeglichen Handlungsfortschritt aus. Selbst nach der Hälfte des Buches scheint die endgültige Crew-Zusammensetzung noch nicht festzustehen.
Wenn nicht gerade über die Crew-Auswahl debattiert wird, beschreibt der Autor akribisch das Training und die Vorbereitungen für die Mission. Zwar sind diese Details realistisch, doch sie tragen wenig zur Spannung bei. Der Leser wartet vergeblich darauf, dass die eigentliche Reise endlich mal beginnt und die Story anfängt.
Zudem wird der Leser mit einer Flut technischer Details überschüttet. Statt einer packenden Geschichte verliert sich der Autor in endlosen Diskussionen über Raumschiffkomponenten, Lebenserhaltungssysteme und die Feinheiten der interstellaren Navigation. Diese Informationen sind für den durchschnittlichen Leser, der eine spannende Science-Fiction-Geschichte erwartet, eher ermüdend.
Die tatsächliche Reise ins Unbekannte, der Kern dessen, was das Buch so vielversprechend machte, nimmt bedauerlich wenig Raum ein. Schätzungsweise nur 5-10% des gesamten Werkes widmen sich der eigentlichen interstellaren Expedition.
Für Leser, die sich für die minutiösen Aspekte der Raumfahrt interessieren, mag das Buch seinen Reiz haben. Wer jedoch eine packende Science-Fiction-Geschichte erwartet, wird leider enttäuscht sein.
So Flocked by Sarah Estep
So the author really wrote a book where you jump from one sex scene to the other and selled it as a “romance” novel
First of all the protagonist thinks about how they can’t be together and can’t have sex and then right at the beginning of the book suddenly they have sex?
Caught me off guard but still continued reading and realized this book doesn’t have a plot besides sex.
Coming from someone who actually enjoys smut in books but I was starting to roll my eyes after they started having sex EVERY scene (I’m not exaggerating here…)
No tension between the characters & no real plot. If you wanna read some porn, this book is just for you but if you’re looking for some well written, REAL romance novels skip this one 🙏🏼
First of all the protagonist thinks about how they can’t be together and can’t have sex and then right at the beginning of the book suddenly they have sex?
Caught me off guard but still continued reading and realized this book doesn’t have a plot besides sex.
Coming from someone who actually enjoys smut in books but I was starting to roll my eyes after they started having sex EVERY scene (I’m not exaggerating here…)
No tension between the characters & no real plot. If you wanna read some porn, this book is just for you but if you’re looking for some well written, REAL romance novels skip this one 🙏🏼
Der Heimweg by Sebastian Fitzek
Fitzek beweist einmal mehr sein Talent, Spannung aufzubauen, die sich bis zum Schluss steigert und fast schmerzhaft intensiv wird. Die kurzen Kapitel und geschickt platzierten Cliffhanger machen das Buch zu einem echten Pageturner.
Trotz der gewalttätigen Themen, die das Buch behandelt, liegt eine wichtige und zeitgemäße Botschaft in seinem Kern. "Der Heimweg" sensibilisiert für die Ängste und Gefahren, denen insbesondere Frauen in unserer Gesellschaft ausgesetzt sind. Fitzek schafft es, diese ernste Thematik in einen packenden Thriller zu verpacken.
Trotz der gewalttätigen Themen, die das Buch behandelt, liegt eine wichtige und zeitgemäße Botschaft in seinem Kern. "Der Heimweg" sensibilisiert für die Ängste und Gefahren, denen insbesondere Frauen in unserer Gesellschaft ausgesetzt sind. Fitzek schafft es, diese ernste Thematik in einen packenden Thriller zu verpacken.
Das Böse in ihr by Camilla Way
Nothing even happens in the book until the real “secret” is being revealed except Clara thinking about where Luke might be and some backstories.
When the moment of truth finally came it was very mid and not shocking at all. Most of the “revealing” I could already guess from the beginning but I had hope that it might be more spectacular.
Also Clara was so annoying. Imagine your boyfriend receiving threats before he disappears and the police finding evidence that he got kidnapped and then she finds pictures of a random woman in his drawer and ALL YOU CAN THINK IN THIS WHOLE SITUATION IS “Yep. This might be a woman he had an affair with behind my back. No other explanation”
Girl excuse me but how about you do some more research while your boyfriend is kidnapped anyway before just making a conclusion like that with the first thing that comes to your mind? 😭
I don’t remember any scene that made me gasp or quicken my heartbeat which I would expect from a THRILLER.
Another big minus point for the open ending and unanswered questions
Overall a very predicting and very basic “thriller”
When the moment of truth finally came it was very mid and not shocking at all. Most of the “revealing” I could already guess from the beginning but I had hope that it might be more spectacular.
Also Clara was so annoying. Imagine your boyfriend receiving threats before he disappears and the police finding evidence that he got kidnapped and then she finds pictures of a random woman in his drawer and ALL YOU CAN THINK IN THIS WHOLE SITUATION IS “Yep. This might be a woman he had an affair with behind my back. No other explanation”
Girl excuse me but how about you do some more research while your boyfriend is kidnapped anyway before just making a conclusion like that with the first thing that comes to your mind? 😭
I don’t remember any scene that made me gasp or quicken my heartbeat which I would expect from a THRILLER.
Another big minus point for the open ending and unanswered questions
Overall a very predicting and very basic “thriller”
Die kleine Bucht in Kroatien by Julie Caplin
I absolutely loved it! 😍
Even if the ending stretched out a bit and it became a bit too unrealistic and dramatic when Tara made a proposal to Nick.
Also some questions were left open, like what happened with Tara’s eating disorder? Why include such a heavy topic in your book if you’re not gonna “finish” it somehow or lead it to somewhere? That topic was just abandoned even though it happened so frequently throughout the book that you thought maybe it will lead to somewhere?
Anyway, it was still a fresh read and I loved the character ❤️