alexiasophii's reviews
421 reviews

Mandrágora - O Almanaque Pagão 2012 by Sofia Vaz Ribeiro

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Devo dizer que preferi as versões anteriores do Mandrágora a esta.

Fiquei um bocado desapontada, não sei ao certo expressar o quê, talvez tivesse maiores expectativas para uma edição cujo o título parecia bastante promissor!
Treading the Mill: Practical CraftWorking in Modern Traditional Witchcraft by Nigel G. Pearson

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It's a very good book, one of the firsts I've read that shows the Ancient Craft and Traditional Witchcraft in a very simple, direct and easy manner. You can totally understand its dynamic and how it's different from Modern Witchcraft and neo-paganism in general. I'll admit, on a personal level, I don't identify much with it but it's really interessing to get to know another perspective and vision of the Craft.
Ao Endovellico: Manual Politeísta ao EndoVellico by PFI - Associação Cultural Pagã - Portugal

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É um livro bastante interessante e bastante simples. Podemos conhecer um pouco mais de um dos cultos pagãos da Pensínsula Ibérica e também do que é feito actualmente no seu culto, sendo também uma oportunidade para conhecer mais aprofundadamente o trabalho da PFI - Portugal.
Seres Mágicos em Portugal by Vanessa Fidalgo

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É um livro bastante interessante, com lendas fantásticas e muitas histórias e seres que nem sabia que tinham histórias e folklore em Portugal. Foca-se um pouco mais nas zonas do Norte do País e algumas zonas ficam em falta, mas acaba por ser bastante interessante.
The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well by Meik Wiking

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"Hooga? Hhyooguh? Heurgh? it is not important how you choose to pronounce or even spell "hygge". To paraphrase one of the greatest philosophers of our time - Winnie the Pooh - when asked how to spell a certain emotion, "You don't spell it, you feel it.""
"Perhaps Benjamin Franklin said it best: "Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasure that occur every day than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom."."

This book is amazing. I loved it and I plan to start doing some of these things in my daily life. Hygge is something we've ALL experienced but never knew what to call it. It's that feeling of cozyness when you're sitting near a window drinking tea and watching the rain fall outside or having a warm delicious meal with friends in a very cozy-decorated place or just being near a fire and talking about how the day went. It's the small moments and small joys. The simple things, the friends, the split seconds in life where it feels that all is good and you forget the difficulties or troubles. It makes it all worth while. 

This book is just phenomenal and I totally recommended to anyone who wants to make their life a bit more hygge :)
Paganism 101: An Introduction to Paganism by 101 Pagans by

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This is a fantastic book (even though I'm guilty of having a vignette in it) and I think its appropriated for both new pagans and old ones. Having the possibility of knowing more about other people's path and the diversity is just fantastic. This book fulfills the old saying "Ask one question to ten Pagans and you'll get eleven different answers"! :)
Fanny Hill. Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure by John Cleland

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I must say that re-reading this book was an excellent idea.. I think I'm much more mature to understand it and my opinion regarding it changed a LOT. It's a fantastic book for its time, we learn her story and how it all happened. We are able to see fetishes, behaviours, tastes, and much more in England of that time. Loved it and it was a very good purchase indeed!
Natural Magic by Doreen Valiente

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This book is just fantastic. Not only is she my favourite author but she was also an amazing Witch. This book is essential to all those who wish to practice Natural Magick. Of course it has a bit of Wiccan influence but with a careful reading it can be adapted to several types of practices. Definitely recommend it!
Luna roja by Miranda Gray

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I took more time than I expected with this book (I'm terrible at reading in Spanish, forgive me!) but I loved it. I recommend to this to *ALL* women of all ages, it is amazing. It will give you a whole new and fantastic vision regarding your own menstruation and also if you're a Witch/Pagan (like myself) this will be very useful in your practice since it also contains several exercises which can be done to connect more with your uterus and feminine being. 
I really enjoyed this book and recommend it :)
A Witches Bible by Janet Farrar

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This is a very interesting book and a must read for all those interested in Wicca, especially Traditional branches. This book approaches several topics which are important for any Wiccan and even any Modern Witch, it focus a lot on the Wiccan POV and method of working. If you dislike the Wiccan method (coven work, male/female polarities, initiations, sky clad, etc) then you'll probably not enjoy this book. Personally I'm not Wiccan but I find it very interesting and I consider this a must-read for any student of Wicca. Not only it is a classic from very important and respected authors but also it sums up perfectly all needed aspects of this path and a great starting point for beginners.