alia_deberry's reviews
191 reviews

The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

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I’m so conflicted. This book felt so anti-climatic and boring up until the last 75 pages. But those pages were sooooo good. Kind of? Everything just turned completely batshit crazy which I loved, but at the end I felt like there were just SO MANY PLOT HOLES. Like some of it didn’t make sense and now 2 books in I’m still confused about their powers and how they work. It shifted a lot from character focused to plot focused. I loved how unreliable the narrator was. I mean overall I enjoyed it a lot by the end but it just felt a little unorganized and not super well written. 
Spin the Bottle by Stephanie Alves

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was really cute, the whole side plot about the pictures was kinda overplayed. when i found out what they were i was “thats it?” Leila was kind of annoying, she let her insecurities impact EVERY SINGLE MOMENT.
didnt understand jordan as the villian tho. was kind of stupid how he admitted everything to Leila
House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas

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Apparently it took place over only a week?? No. I loved the development in the characters but some of the plot was a little lacking. Like, it just seemed like there were so many unnecessary and unresolved side plots. There’s was also just a ton of random info dumping. It got kind of hard to take anything emotionally serious because it was constantly built up like omg this person is sacrificing themself oh but then someone saves them or they’re brought back to life. It happened a lot and even to the same character. Still. The ending felt almost too easy?? especially if it was only over a week. However I loved a lot of it including my new girl Lidia.
I wish there was more of a crossover between the multiverse. It seemed like it was built up a lot but was barely there
Never Have I Ever by Stephanie Alves

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i have super mixed feelings. sometimes i really didnt like rosalie. She kept saying that she had her own money but then got pissed when people pointed out the obvious that it was actually from her family. she claimed she was aware of her privilege but certainly didnt act like it. same with grayson. I didnt like the way he tried to portray himself as being a poor kid when he was the oppositie. Pissed me tf off. Rosalie always assumed people were judging her dream of being a fashion designer but really she was the first to make judgements about everyone. both of the characters were so dramatic for no reason. 
I loved the romance but hated the family plot and ending,  it kinda ruined a little of the book for me. other than that i reallyyy enjoyed the concept and the story. 
The Jasad Heir by Sara Hashem

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i have a lot of thoughts. the world building wasn’t very good and often found myself confused on what was going on. it was also really drawn out and definitely could’ve been shortened in the middle. the beginning was soooo good though. i lovedddd the characters. sylvia was so complex and i loved how far from perfect she was. the ending was crazyyyy and i cant wait for the next book.
i didnt really like how we moved from her poison with soroya to getting ready for the victors ball.
Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross

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the writing was sooo beautiful. loved this

The Words I Wish I Said by Caitlin Kelly

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was lacking in some parts and i couldnt really relate (to no fault of the book). i needed more than blanket statements.