aliareadzz's reviews
151 reviews

The Dixon Rule by Elle Kennedy

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3.85⭐️ Surprised by how much i enjoyed this book. Only downsides is as i kept getting closer to the end more conflicts were thrown in that I felt shouldn’t have been rushed. I love both of the main characters but Shane came off only focused on Diane physically which i didn’t fully enjoy but loved their banter still. Debating on if they will be end up being a 4⭐️ or staying the same.
Indigo Ridge by Devney Perry

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didn’t really feel a romantic connection between the two main characters
First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

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3.5⭐️ I really enjoyed the concept of this book. The beginning and ending had me HOOKED. Yet throughout the middle of the book I was just getting alittle bored. All in all good read:)
Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver

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3.75⭐️ such a weird cute book, enjoyed the plot and main characters in this:)
The Chain by Adrian McKinty

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The first half of this book was very entertaining yet as it progressed i started to loose interest. Overall such a sad topic/premise for a book but enjoyed.
Red Rising by Pierce Brown

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Amazing book! Started off a little hard to understand all the world building but once i kept reading everything made sense. I was able to guess one of the plot twist but am super excited to see how the 2nd book goes.
The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center

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DNFed, therefore no rating will be given. I did get to 50% mark so I am counting it as read. I was so excited starting this book yet i felt no romantic connection between the two main characters. Even though it is enemies to lovers trope I just felt no chemistry between the two. The MMC was so unbearably rude and entitled. So many things were repeated that had we had already been over. Overall this just wasn’t my cup of tea. Don’t forget reading is subjective.
The One by John Marrs

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UPDATE: Been thinking about this book a lot lately and had to change my rating