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The Rules According to Jwoww by Jenni "Jwoww" Farley

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Me and my girlfriends decided to have fun and read this. This is that last time I let them pick the book though.

When they sent me the link for the book on my kindle I was like: "Oh hell no!" Which they found pretty funny.

But then as I read through this I was surprised. Jenny defiantly put some in sight of a clubbing life and dirt bag guys. Some advice in here I could use were others I can't.

You are able to see into what Jenny thinks in this novel and I like that. It shows you that she isn't all that she seems.

I wasn't impressed with his book but I gave it three stars for the fact:

1) I like Jersey Shore
2) The advice is pretty helpful to some people
Pieces of Olivia by Melissa West

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This review and more can be found at The Book Bratz

I won't lie. Going into this book I was nervous. I don't read contemporary fiction much. Actually I never do. I usual need a book with a fantasy or sci-fi aspect to keep my interest. But Pieces of Olivia was different. I was hooked with in the first few chapters, and by hooked I mean: I abandoned all my responsibilities to read.

Olivia, how my heart broke for her when she would talk about the night of the party, the one where she ended up scared and broken. The end of high school the start of college is suppose to be a good time, not one filled with nightmares and lost. But when she enrolls at Charleston to restart her life she never planned on meeting Preston. Olivia's roommate, Kara's best friend.

Preston isn't the type of person so have a long lasting relationship. He has flings that last for a bit and then end. Kara gets stuck being the between girl, stuck listening to these girls complain about Preston and she hates it.

When Olivia asks why Preston doesn't do the relationship thing she receives the reply from Kara that is isn't her story to tell. When she asks Preston, he tells her the same thing: It isn't his story. So that leaves you wondering. Who story is it then?

All through out the book there was always this strange tension between Kara and Preston that I was dying to know, and then bam! You find out and your heart splits open and you look for your box of tissues. I could only imagine what ran through Olivia's head.

"I can't breathe when you're around. I can't think. I can't control my mind and forget my body. I am useless and weak and I hate this version of myself. Yet... I have never wanted anyone like I want you."

The book takes place over a couple of months, from the start of their first semester and into part of their second semester. So the romance wasn't fast, it was set overtime and I loved that. I don't like books where the Main Characters rush into a relationship head first and saying "I love you." It is just not real like that. Plus, Olivia wanted him and slowly fell for him through out the book.

I really adored Preston and Olivia's relationship. He never pushed her to tell about her past, and when you have a dark past you don't want someone pushing for you to tell it. That is just how it is. But Olivia wasn't the only one in the book with a story, and Preston's reasoning for not dating long term bought tears to my eyes.

Now Rose, I loved her. Her and Olivia's relationship wasn't one of a patient and a doctor, it was like two friends. At first when Rose was talking about ghost I thought the woman was crazy, but then as Melissa introduced her tp you began to see that she was a good thing for Olivia to have.

Now, I must wait until December of Miles of Kara by Melissa West, which as the title says is about Kara. *sighs* Melissa West also said that the cover for the second book will be even better then the first. *even bigger sigh* But I still have to wait!

RATING: ★★★★
Winterspell by Claire Legrand

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Did not finish book.
The full review can be found at The Book Bratz!

I had high hopes for Winterspell and they just weren't met. To begin with I am not a fan of historical fiction, but reading the summary of Winterspell I figured I would try it. I really tried to get into this book, and I did at one point. The beginning was interesting but as it went the more and more I was getting confused.

Clara was extremely hard to relate with. She lacked so many characteristics, determination was a big one. Also, she was weak in a sense. Her Godfather trained her with weapons to protect herself, and in all honesty she did an okay job with protecting herself, but when it came to her father being abducted she just watched them take him! She wasn't a very good protagonist.

The plot confused me. The prologue made me think that the story was going to be set in Cane. Not, New York in 1898. At first it made sense, then you involve Godfather, the statue, the Doctor, and Plum and you get one big mess that you can't decipher.
Broken by Lauren Layne

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This review and more can be found at The Book Bratz!

Whoa. I don't know what I was expecting. But this book exceeded those expectations!

Olivia Middleton has made some bad decisions, and in order to redeem herself she leaves her glamorous life of the Upper East side to care for an injured war veteran with internal and external scars. Paul Langdon, is a 24 year old who would rather drink his life away and sit in a beautiful mansion all day, brooding about his injuries. Besides his internal scars his his external are what hold him back the most. Down one side of his face are three long scars, and his leg is scared leaving him with a forever limp.

The story is told in alternating perspective of both Paul and Olivia. When the two of them meet it is pretty much insta-lust and I am not lying when I tell you the book is full of them resisting their urges and sexual tension. But there is so much more then that. Where Paul wants to give up Olivia refuses to let him. She refuses to see him as the monster he thinks he is. There was times were I was grasping for tissues for this story, especially the end.

I absolutely adore this book. I am still thinking about it. I have seen some of Lauren's other books around but I never picked them up, but now I have reason too. This story was beautifully written that brings forward a real issue.