amethysthunter's reviews
381 reviews

The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen

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This book was super uncomfortable for me to read. The author’s grasp on conflicting identities and the condition of American imperialism and racism is depicted strikingly accurate. The narrator is not particularly likable nor interesting (in my opinion lol) and at times is really hard to follow along with and I think I found his self-loathing to be difficult for me to read at times. I did find the conversation around his dual identities being mixed racial, a spy, and someone who went to school in the states but still felt loyalty to Vietnam to be super interesting and somewhat relatable. I’m glad I read the book and finished it (as I can’t remember the last time it took me this long to get through a book even though it wasn’t thatttt long) but also have 1,000 questions and notes in the margins because there were so many points that I felt went over my head or I just didn’t understand the need for :')
Man vs. Durian by Jackie Lau

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 Twas short and sweet and had me literally crying from laughter. The actual chemistry between them was meh but there was no third act breakup and they were both super cute!! Also neither of them was white which is rare in “Asian romances”. 🤠 Was exactly what I needed for this last week of AAPI month.