angek98's reviews
691 reviews

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

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I think I'm in love with these books.
Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

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It was an interesting read, and well written but i found it lacking in 'spark'.
The Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz

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Okay, I just gotta say, The Descendents is my guilty pleasure movie.
When I found out there was a book, I had to get my hands on it.

I liked how it told about the lifestyle of the villians on the Isle, with the 'leftovers', and the squalor they had to live in.

Plotwise, it was good. I liked how our 'protagonists' had to go on this quest to find the Dragon's eye, and each character had their own separate motives for doing so.
Although neither of them got their way. It's refreshing to see that not always everything turns out the way the characters had hoped, and sometimes it ends in dissappointment.

I loved these renditions of Mal, Jay, Evie, and especially Carlos. I feel like Melissa de la Cruz gave more development to Carlos than in the movie and gave us more information and tid bits about all of the characters. Ben's POV felt a bit useless to the plot but it was interesting to see all the happenings in Auradon.

The writing was nice, not too dense or ridiculously poetic or anything. Nice and straightforward and entertaining, and kept me hooked!

The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

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This one was so much more enjoyable to me than the Northern Lights.
This one introduced use to Will, who is probably my favourite character (so far) in the series. I liked his and Lyra's friendship and how they helped each other throughout the novel.

I wasnt really a fan of Lee's or Serafina Pekkala's P.O.V, even though it wad pretty much essential to the plot, but I just found myself itching to get back to Lyra and Will. I did, however like the shift in P.O.V to Mary Malone and I'm really interested in seeing where her character will go.

I enjoyed the characters more than the plot in this one. The story was fine, though, and I'm excited to read the last novel now.
The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman

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4.5 stars.
What a bittersweet ending.
This was a nice conclusion to the trilogy and I'm really happy with how it turned out.
Lyra and Will's story was so touching and beautiful.
In the first book, I wrote in my review that it was lacking in spark. This one got a spark and it blazed. The writing was so poetic and, the themes in the series were so thought provoking and astounding (though they are of a sensitive nature, i.e: religion.)

Once I re-read this in the future, I imagine the series would be even better.
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder

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Okay, now that I've actually read this while I'm more mature (wow I'm an adult now), than what I was when i was 15, I get why I didn't finish this book. This is definitely for the more mature of readers, since it deals with things like rape, which is not uncommon in high fantasy, but I've not read much YA that has it written down so explicitly.

Okay, so. Poison Study is well written, but the plot and (main) characters fell a bit flat. For a series, I generally like to see the "big bad" and their motivations right from the get go, but this one didn't really have that. I felt like it was more introdu ing the world and the characters, and I'm wondering where exactly this series will go.

Yelena as a character was okay. She didn't annoy me, but she didn't really grab me either. Shes's a bit snarky, and she knows what she's doing, but I just needed more from her personality than just that. Valek was much the same. I did like their interaction's together, but honestly, right now
I would have preferred them as friends other than lovers.
, but lets see how I feel once I finish the series.

I found the side characters more interesting, Ari, Jasco (I think that's his name), and The Commander wers interesting, and I'd like to see more of them in the rest of the series.

The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan

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follows typical "riordan formula"
person with dead or otherwise absent parental figure discover they are connected with the ancient gods

find a place where they can be trained safely

are the "chosen one" to stop diabolical plan to end the world

go on a quest, meeting and fighting with gods and monsters to retrieve items which will help them stop the world from ending

after many trials and tribulations they delay or otherwise put an end to the "big bad" of the series.

wait another year for the next book which follow similar formula without fail.

...but...honestly i love these books so much, no matter how predicatble they are.
rick always writes the most diverse characters and always has such good representation in his novels.

and i love learning all the mythology that i never knew before, especially since i love mythology, i love to know his interpretation of the myths and how the characters interact with them.

the characters and the mythology and all the sub plots about this novel is what i love most about these novels