angek98's reviews
691 reviews

Cress by Marissa Meyer

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If this book was a person I would kiss it.
This is my favourite in the Lunar Chronicles series. This one introduces my most favourite character, Cress Darnel and my no. 1 OTP (Cresswell) and just my favourite sub plot, really.
Umm yeah I loved this one so much that there were multiple times i had to remind myself to breathe because of the really cute parts.

Aside from the shipping parts of this novel, everything else was really thought out and well written. Cress and Thorne in the desert, Cinder, Wolf and Jacin in Farafah, Kai trying to stanch the horror's of Levana's potential reign, and the climax of the novel were woven together really well and kept me entertained and intrigued.

The emotional turmoil inside Cinder about the use of her powers and the moral dilemmas it presents her with were portrayed realistically and the extent of her powers gave the novel a darker atmosphere, as well as the disturbing events of Scarlet's treatment in Lunar.
The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

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Funnily enough I don't feel that sad about this being the last Heroes of Olympus book, probably definitely because I AM SO EXCITED FOR MAGNUS CHASE (also in theres a part in BoO which i think is a hint who Magnus Chase is, although it's kind of obvious by their last name who they're related to)

Anyway, Riordan has a way of making the story flow SO SMOOTHLY. Like always, there's the different sort of 'mission' the character's have to do to get the story rolling, which I always find entertaining. The climax was entertaining, and the battle was descriptive and easy to follow. The actual ending I have mixed feelings about, it didn't really seem quite like the end. However, there weren't really any loose ends that I thought were needed to tied up, so that's always pleasing to know in a story.

I've probably just got my shipper goggles on and wanting to know more about the relationships that occurred at the last half of the book. Well, there's always fanfiction. Speaking of those relationships, NONE OF THEM FEEL RUSHED, seriously, CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT BECAUSE I SURE CAN.

As always, characters were developed slowly and I really thought it was so nice to get the POV of the two characters I'm interested in the most.

EDIT: I was in the shower and thought of some more things to add.
Also there were some loose ends I thought of but like ITS FINE I'LL USE MY IMAGINATION.
Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder

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Found myself skimming the climax. Barely read the last chapter.

Yelena was even more unrelatable in this novel than the first one. I dont know if that was why I didn't enjoy it, but I also wasn't a fan of the events in this novel. I dont even want to consider the plot because I feel like there isnt one. We are just following Yelena as she gathers enemies who become her friends, and as she discovers her powers. It sounds like an interesting premise, but that is literally all it is, with a Villian Of The Book™️ changing with every novel. Its very tedious, and not very enjoyable.

Also, her only female friend is a horse. Wow.
Splintered by A.G. Howard

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This book wasn't my thing. Mainly because of the romance. And lack of diversity.
The only part I really liked was the climax. Everything else was really bland.
The writing is good though, so there's that.
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

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i loved the glimpse into Blue's school life! I missed Ronan's p.o.v though, he's my fave raven boy.