anicealien's reviews
183 reviews

Positively Izzy by Terri Libenson

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I came into this book expecting it to be just like Raina Telegemier, but came out pleasantly surprised about everything. The way this book is set up, it's writing style, and the separate art styles all came together to make a really unique reading experience. And the fact that the ending really gives this book amazing rereadablity(is that a word??).
All the characters are delightful and I could really relate to Dani, as I am the oldest child. Especially how we need to look like the bad guy sometimes in order to fulfill our responsibilities!
It was a great, quick read and I look forward to reading more Terri Libenson!
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman

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This book was unlike anything I've ever read. I don't read much fantasy, but I do watch more than I read. This whole world was fascinating and I love the concept of daemons. The characters were great, especially Lyra. I don't know if I've ever seen a main character like her before. She doesn't freak easily, she makes good decisions mostly and she's smart.
A Map of Days by Ransom Riggs

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This book absolutely gave me everything I loved about the series. Riggs is so good at writing fascinating lore. I found myself hooked on each chapter, reading far beyond the amount I intended. It also gave me a road trip with Millard and Enoch (my two personal favs), Bronwyn, and Emma. This book was FULL TO THE BRIM and I cannot wait to see what is next. Except the thing I'm worried about is that the rest of the crew might not be in a major part of the next book, which is one of the main reasons why I didn't like the third book as much.
And also, Jacob and Emma's relationship was actually really affected by traveling in America, which I thought was facinating.
Anybody else love Noor?? And Horatio?? And like, every other peculiar we met along the way?? Except the bad ones. But I did enjoy the dynamic among Frankie, Wreck, Dogface, and Angelica.
Anyway, this book was soooo much fun and I'm glad I finally read it!
Took me long enough.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

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After reading(or half reading) the negative reviews for this book, I really don't understand the hate. I think this book has a solid writing style and entertaining characters. I find the lore the most interesting part of this book, of this series. This world is so big and the way it works is sooooo fascinating! I don't get the hate, maybe someday I will, but not now. You haters probably don't understand me neither, so I guess we're even? Haha.
The Mennyms by Sylvia Waugh

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This story was so cute and fun! On the back of the edition I read, it didn't say anything about the family being life-sized rag dolls. If it had, I don't know if I would have picked it up. I was so surprised when it was revealed that I didn't quite believe it at first.
When I picked it up at the library, it didn't look very interesting, but I was willing to give it a try. I was actually expecting to DNF this book, but since the story surprised me, I was engaged.
This book certainly won't be for everyone, but I'm glad it was the thing for me.

It still holds up for me! Even when I knew what to expect, it was great! This family is so dysfunctional and they're each flawed in different ways! These characters feel real and I can't wait to reread the second book!