anneebel's reviews
334 reviews

How to be Champion: My Autobiography by Sarah Millican

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An average book. I enjoyed the humour, but sometimes I found the book hard going. It’s a shame the audible version didn’t have “the attached pdf” that was talked about.
I sometime love autobiographies, and this just wasn’t my favourite.
However, I love the sentiment behind all her work, female empowerment, no fat-shaming, be yourself and be confident. Also, adores Sarah’s lovely reading of this and sense of humour!
Sharpe's Tiger by Bernard Cornwell

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Although I didn’t think I was going to, I actually quite enjoyed reading one of “Ian’s” books. He loves these so much, I thought it was time!
I listened on Audible and the reader was soooo slow though. I had it on 1.5x and still felt I could have sped it up more!!
The story itself was slow to start, but a lot of the background was needed for the rest of the story, so it was worth it, in the end!
The 20th Victim by Maxine Paetro, James Patterson

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I have always loved this series of books, and this one is good, but not as good as the others… I’ll have to wait and see what 21 is like, but is the end of my passion for James Patterson?
Let’s wait and see!
Freckles by Cecelia Ahern

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Not my favourite of Cecelia Ahern’s books, but a book that I enjoyed reading nonetheless.
I wish that there had been more to the story in general, that it just ended as it did was a bit of a disappointment.
I will continue to read her work, as I know it’s a coal among diamonds!
Lady in Waiting: My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown by Anne Glenconner

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I absolutely devoured this book, hooked from beginning to end. It was fascinating to have an insight into a life of aristocracy, and the royal family.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone, especially those who are fans of The Crown!
Too Many Reasons to Live by Rob Burrow

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Despite never having Watched a game of RFL in my life, I still found this book really interesting, if a little too “rugby-heavy”! The book was well written and the subject matter able to be picked out from the rugby chatter!
Those Who Are Loved by Victoria Hislop

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Sitting listening to this book, I was struck by how things must be for our European friends in Ukraine. I had no idea of the extent of the ongoings in Greece and this book, extremely well researched, was an eye opener.
The story itself was really interesting and I hugely bought into the characters, feeling hate, love, compassion and loss with them.
I enjoyed the book, but also know that it is a really long book compared to others I’ve read, and do feel as though there could have been a bit less description and the book could’ve been shortened!