anneebel's reviews
334 reviews

The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri

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It took me a LONG time to read this! I just never really got into it, or had the urge to keep reading it. Perhaps because I was listening on Audible, I don’t know.
But I just wasn’t a massive fan. The story was fine, but there was so much more that could have been uncovered in the mental health side of things which was almost glossed over. Additionally, the ending just kind of ended, without any real finalisation of the story, that I wanted. Overall, it was ok, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend it!
Heart in the Right Place by Carolyn Jourdan

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I really enjoyed the premise of this book, a Washington sophisticat turned Medical Receptionist. I loved the stories and the tales outside of these lives as much as those in them.
The book was though a slow one to read, for me, and this a star knocked off from perfection!!
Agua, the Mysterious Portuguese Water Dog by Renee Kelahan

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A lovely short story of a PWD in the 1850’s, a tale of mysterious fog, and a loving family. A nice one for primary aged children to read.
The writing was lovely although the interspersed Portuguese was unnecessary, and distracting.