annes's reviews
390 reviews

You Are Mine by Miranda Rijks

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You are mine was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I hadn’t planned on reading this book but Emma needed some extra people to read and review this book so I raised my hand and boy am I glad. This book was so creepy!

We follow four perspectives Charlotte, Rupert, Simone and Jodi across a dual timeline. Rupert is the main focus within this story as we follow him both as a teenager through Simone’s perspective and Rupert in present day.

You are mine is a truly haunting and chilling psychological thriller which kept me on edge, gave me goosebumps and freaked me out a hell of a lot.

I really enjoyed reading Rupert’s perspective because it gave me a deeper and stronger insight into a person with the mental illness of limerence. I had never heard of this type of illness but it does happen so it was so creepy but made me empathise a little more with this unwell man.

Unfortunately I couldn’t give this book a five star rating because I did guess the huge major plot point very early on within this story but all the same I enjoyed my time reading this story and definitely would recommend it to those who love w good creepy psychological thriller.
Accidental Lazarus by Kfir Luzzatto

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A very short, quick and enjoyable read. We follow Dave who is a paranormal investigator but to be fair I feel like their wasn’t really an investigation it was just Dave arguing with the ghost/zombie. (Not really sure what Joe was to be honest).

Although this was a short story I would have really loved to see a more high stakes and gritty investigation. All in all I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more of these short stories.
The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor

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This is my first ever C.J Tudor book and I have to say I had an okay experience with this novel.

* content warnings: sexual assault, fat shaming, murder, mentions of abortion, abuse, grief and body mutilation*

I had heard a lot about this book and was really excited when I saw it in my library and got it out. Unfortunately this was a very lack luster story and it was a bit meh and forgettable. I can't remember any names in this story and I only read it a few weeks ago! The characters were very forgettable and I had no care for them at all in this story.

There were some twists and turns that I didn't see coming and honestly the end blew me away and had me very confused and the whole reason I gave this three stars and not two.

What I really liked about this story was the commentary it had on morality, good vs evil, truth and the consequences of decisions that people make.
Nimona by ND Stevenson

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I randomly picked this book up in my library and read it in one sitting. Going in I had no idea what this story was about but I was blown away by the stunning drawings and colour. The plot, scene and settings were all really well done, it pulled me right in from the beginning.

Our two main characters were both morally grey but you are made to love and feel sorry for them. I really enjoyed the relationship between Nimona and Ballister, they were really cute and had a really good relationship.

This story has some gay representation which I really liked and it had a lot of important discussions about right from wrong, the right thing to do, forgiveness and what is really good and evil.
The Taking of Annie Thorne by C.J. Tudor

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This is my second book from CJ Tudor and again it was a meh book. When I started this I couldn't help but roll my eyes. The main character from this book and The Chalk Man are the same character! Both are English teachers in their 40's, single, has a huge secret and a serious drinking problem.

Although there is a bunch of similarities between Tudor's two novels there are also some differences too. The Taking of Annie Thorne has more speculative and paranormal twists to this story which was quite refreshing to read about.

Again I did not care about any of these characters. This review probably sounds like my review from The Chalk Man but the ending again made it a 3 star instead of a 2 star.

Another difference this book had a much darker theme and a very dark and chilling atmosphere. I wasn't impressed with the decisions Tudor made with our main characters thoughts and opinions on " Little Miss Scary " a barmaid who is on the spectrum.

Although the twists toward the end were surprising I found the ending anticlimactic and I have been left with a lot of unanswered questions which is frustrating.
The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary

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Going into this story I wasn't sure what to expect from this story but OMG I loved it. Tiffy and Leon share a bed but not at the same time. We follow both Tiffy and Leon's perspective throughout this novel and the struggles they are both dealing with.

Our two main characters are extremely likable and I really enjoyed both of these characters. I know I heard some people say that this story is really slow and hated how long it took for Tiffy and Leon to meet but I really loved it. It shows how people can fall in love without actually meeting or relying on sight and touch. It was all about their shared messages and learning about one another which I truly LOVED.

The flatshare dealt with a lot of serious issues such as a toxic, abusive relationship and a controlling, gaslighting ex boyfriend in such a careful and positive way. This was a fresh new book to the romance genre which gave me a lot of feels and love for Tiffy and Leon.
The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre

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This was an amazing novel. First of all I wasn't expecting the graphic sex scenes in this story at all but I appreciated those scenes. This was such a fast paced, action packed story that had me devouring it as fast as I could .

Although Deanna has a thirst for blood and has locked herself away to prevent her murderous tendencies, I really loved her. She made me laugh so much.

Right up until the end I was kept guessing about Annie and what Deanna was really going to do. This was such a superb and tense read. I definitely look forward to reading more from A.R Torre.