anotherhalima's reviews
569 reviews

Cheating Death by Sarah Reynolds

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 42%.
i’m bored and she’s already talking about being in love which is wild. it hasn’t been even 24h. lastly a characters addiction is already being treated badly.
Gemini Queen by Laura Navarre

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 2%.
adam driver is not hot… authors need to stop using him or any actor/celeb in their comparisons in gen.
Hexed by Yve Vale

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 44%.
boys over flower bullying from the mmcs and other girls is so over done. don’t get me wrong it can work with one girl being a bully but the whole school? in almost all rh academy books? no thank you. 

also there has to be balance between mfcs who think they are hideous which she isn’t bec guys are literally losing it over her or so confident her physical appearance it’s an ick(between the two i prefer the latter). rhs are usually victims of this. the mfc in this book really thinks she’s nothing. i think it’s supposed to show her abused background. it’s not landing like that. there are other ways to show insecurities instead of straight out saying “i’m a nobody” over and over again. 

anyway i should’ve dnfed in the beginning when she kept asking one of the mmcs why he wanted to sleep with her.

the mmcs are so meh. what happened to writing swoony men? being tall and muscly does not cut it. doing the bare and i mean the bare minimum does not cut it. being a bully in the beginning but not groveling? what was the reason?

oh and the teacher? ew there was only one rh with a teacher that worked for me and she was 25 and he wasn’t creepy. this teacher mmc is creepy! sniffing her? getting all up in her space? when he supposed to be teaching and mentoring her? no thank you. anyway this one is my fault there is a warning from the author.

i think this would’ve worked for me if mfc was more competent and less horny off the bat. i think if the mcs were less horny it would work. also if everyone was age up by five years, less bullying from the girls and less misogyny over all.
The Raven's Call: PNR RH/Why Choose Novel by Ravin DeMarco

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
something about the dialogue seem off and forced.
The Temptation of Four by Eva Chase

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 68%.
man… i wanted to like this book but the thing i didn’t like in book one is in my face now. the case is taking way too long and we don’t even have romance building to hold us over. not to mention the conversation jemma just had bash was ick. 
A Study in Seduction by Eva Chase

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i enjoyed the overall story even if i found it to be tedious at times. it felt like an episode of sherlocke that was stretched out.

the romance is barely there. it’s more like “oh i think this person is interesting”. i hope in the next book we don’t use the one week she spent with them as enough reason for them to be already in love.

one thing that i find annoying in many romance books is having a guy be fmcs protector from teenage years and then fast forward he’s in love with her. it’s so weird! bash was an adult that was already an assassin who did a stint in the army when he meets jemma at 17 y/o. now he’s in love with her? idk it’s kinda weird. also would it be so hard to age her up 3 years? 20 is still young and can still give me the ick if the guy is way older but bash doesn’t seem like hes that mch older so it works imo.

anyway as i said i enjoyed and will cont.
The Horse Mistress: Book 1 by R.A. Steffan

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 21%.
the transphobia is too mch for me. it’s a big part of story.
Siren by Helene Gadot

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
what is with these super short rh standalones? from experience short rh tend to be too fast paced for me.
Meddling with Madness by Ivy Cole

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 47%.
it reads v childish. the relationship building is weird and the main character acts like she’s twelve. the men are also childish but you could say it’s bec they are from wonderland.
where i’m stopping they are “claiming” each and its reading like middle schoolers asking each other out.

i would of just cont and ignored it but so far nothing else has happened. this is the meat of the story and it blah.
London: A Dark Paranormal Romance Series by Chloe Adler

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 8%.
chapter one starts with a sex scene and as i was reading i was like hmm let me check how many pages this book is. it’s so short! and we are starting with a sex scene. this from experience usually means this book leans more erotica and i want romance.