arguemore's reviews
478 reviews

Disastrous by E.L. Montes

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Honestly, I've read better smut scenes, more stimulating, more sensual smut scenes. And there were other things that bothered me about this book. I just forgot. I guess that's what this book is. It's not that memorable. I just didn't feel this book, you know? I just didn't connect with it very well.

I agree with this review. It was very similar to Fifty Shades of Grey. It basically has the same plot, same characters. The way Disastrous was written was better than the way Fifty Shades of Grey was written, though, grammatical errors aside.

Carnival of Secrets by Melissa Marr

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The world this novel created was wondrous, wild and ethereal. Sadly, the way the environment was presented was a little messy which led to me not understanding what was happening most of the time. It was also repetetive. The novel kept saying the same things all over and over again which I found annoying. The novel was reminiscent of [b:Daughter of Smoke and Bone|12812550|Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #2)|Laini Taylor||17961723] and [b:The City of Bones|256683|City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)|Cassandra Clare||2267189] which I found cool, but it just wasn't enough to get me sold. This book also felt like a long introduction and nothing much really happened. I'm just so disappointed,
A Mermaid's Ransom by Joey W. Hill

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I decided not to finish this book anymore. It's getting too damn annoying for me I don't know why that is. It has something to do with Alexis, I guess. I just can't deal with this novel anymore.
The Fish in Room 11 by Heather Dyer

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this was a cute story to read. children will definitely enjoy reading this!
Siren's Treasure by Debbie Herbert

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3.5 stars! Enjoyed the read! Didn't feel the chemistry build-up all that much, but it in the end, it was fine!
Siren's Surrender by Devyn Quinn

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One thing's for sure, this novel did not go the way I expected it to.

Most of it in a bad way.
Gwen Lonike seemed like a total Mary Sue, and she was just really annoying in general. And sure, there were plenty of action, but the main characters weren't even in the center of the action which took away most of the excitement and just disengaged me from the story.

In a good way, though, this book really surprised me when it escalated and presented me an action-packed introduction. But what was really disappointing there was that it didn't escalate, it just further descended. The ending was also quite disappointing and anti-climactic.
Rapture by Renee Field

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The female protagonist is starting to come out as a real Mary Sue and it's painful to watch. I'm not sure about the plot, though. It's kind of engaging, I might stick around to find out, but for now I'm going to stop reading this.