armysoldier33's reviews
768 reviews

A Song for You: My Life with Whitney Houston by Robyn Crawford

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Finally confirmation from Robyn Crawford of many of the tabloid rumors about Whitney Houston. She also gives insight into details many may've not known of who knew of Houston's severe drug addiction. Crawford doesn't take an innocent bystander role and try to play victim as we've seen with the Houston family and Bobby Brown. With Crawford narrating the audiobook, you can actually hear the emotion in her voice as she relives what life was like with Houston. Crawford doesn't state in the book why now she chose to tell her story, but perhaps she'll receive the closure she's been searching for all these years later. I wouldn't be surprised if this book becomes a movie.
The Last One by Alexandra Oliva

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This could’ve been a good book for me if the problematic part didn’t bother me so much because it’s constantly repeated throughout the first half of the book. “Black Doctor” and “Asian Chick” what kind to crap is this? How did this author think this was necessary to tell her story? It wouldn’t have been so bothersome had it tied into the story. The survivor meets apocalypse theme could’ve worked been it didn’t here. For me this was a waste of time.
Permanent Record by Edward Snowden

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This is not a bad book but you won't find any new information that you haven't read somewhere else. I went into this wanting to know what would make him, Edward Snowden, do what he did. I wish I could say that this book answered that but it actually didn't. Snowden gives a lot of backstory, and I do mean a whole lot of it. Only to build up to the impression he wants to form in your mind. He wants you to be on his side. He wants you to think what he did was OK because he's helping us all and besides, it's the government's fault for hiring him. The book can really drag on and can become quite boring at times. I hoped he would've just written his story without concern of what others may think of him and without an agenda.