astukes_close's reviews
298 reviews

Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith

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Was this really Tom Rob Smith's debut novel?? Because it is absolutely AMAZING. The paranoia surrounding each of the characters (even the minor ones) helped to create a thrilling page turner without being too forced on the reader. From the first phrase alone "SINCE MARIA HAD DECIDED TO DIE her cat would have to fend for itself...", the reader is transported to Stalinist Russia and engrossed in the twisted storyline. Highly recommended
Little Bee by Chris Cleave

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This book took way too long to develop into an actual storyline for my liking. If this wasn't a bookclub selection, I probably would not have bothered to finish it. That being said, once the pieces came "together" and the secrets started to be revealed, it was a surprising and exciting read though the character development still seemed a bit shallow. I also found the ending to be rather "scripted" and had hoped for more substance (I thought that Charlie's character should have been WAY more developed by the end). I think the purpose of the book in general is to have the reader draw their own conclusions and insights about how the actions of the two women bring them to where they are today. I am a bit disappointed to see that this was actually Cleave's second book because in my opinion, it really does read like a first time writer.
Under the Dome by Stephen King

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Finally finished my first Stephen King novel...and what a monster is was. I must commend King for daring to take on a plot that involved an entire town worth of characters. (The list of characters does dwindle dramatically as the story goes on) Realistically- I think we can all agree that such an event (a town under a dome) would NEVER happen but the detail of King's storytelling almost made me BELIEVE. Now for the downside...the ending is A TOTAL COP OUT. After reading 1088 pages, I wanted to punch King in the gut.
11/22/63 by Stephen King

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I'm not sure what it is with King books but I just cannot seem to be satisfied with how the story ends. Admittedly, this is only my second book by the author but have been underwhelmed both times. Although the narrative structure and character development is quite impressive, the ending just falls flat....which is a shame because there is SO MUCH potential for a better conclusion.