astukes_close's reviews
298 reviews

The Maid by Kimberly Cutter

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I Love Historical fiction so I really wanted to LOVE this book. I think the author did an excellent job of retelling a story that everyone already knows without adding anything new or thought provoking. The short chapters and concise wording transport the reader directly into the short lived tragedy of Joan (Jehanne) so it was definitely a quick read. As the author states in her notes, "...the book adheres closely to the established historical facts surrounding Joan of Arc's life" so I would not recommend this to book to a reader that has already read a book or two on the subject.
The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling

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I really wanted to like this book more but instead I just found it....bland. Sadly, the plot never really got off the ground for me. Although I did read it to the end, there weren't any twists or turns to really keep me interested.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

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Thank goodness I got this via download from the library because had I had actually paid for it, I think I might have gone a bit mental. Let me begin by saying that if you are the type of person that reads the first 50 pages of a book before deciding whether to continue reading to the end, then this isn't the book for you. The first "a-ha" moment doesn't actually come until the mid-way point of the story, so up until then it's actually a pretty BORING read (for me, the page turning moment didn't come until page 200). There isn't even a particular (main) character that you can emotionally invest in.....Amy is missing but I don't really care, Nick is struggling to make sense of it all but I don't really care.
The action in the last 2/3 of the book really saved this for me but then the ending just left me wanting to hate the book all over again.
I thought that Gillian Flynn's narrative style worked well in the psychological thriller category but just wished that this particular story line got off the ground a bit quicker.