beautifulmessreads's reviews
273 reviews

Forget Me Not by Sarah M. Eden

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I finally got to read Forget Me Not by Sarah Eden! It was wonderful!
The beginning is so tense and emotional you long for things to be set right. The story grips you from the first page.
Eden is gifted in developing deep characters you love despite their flaws. I loved seeing Mater before she became Mater!
When all the Gents came together you can feel the closeness and the relationships between the men is incredible. Seriously, they are so fun! I don’t want to give things away... so I’ll just say their banter, games and plans are fun. Pretty sure I was grinning half the book.
Lucas was frustrating at many points but I truly feel he loves Julia! For life throwing itself at them like it has, they grew lots in a short time and from knowing the other books... the overcame lots of obstacles and raised some amazing boys!
If you haven’t read any of the Jonquil series do it ASAP! This is the prequel to that and the start of a new series that I look forward to reading!
The Heir by Kiera Cass

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he Heir by Kiera Cass is book #4. I was worried that it would be too similar to America’s story, but I worried for nothing. I really enjoyed the other side of the story because I felt that isthe only thing that was missing for me with the first 3... I like also seeing the guys side. The Heir was so good you still don’t know who she’s leaving more toward by the end of the book! Personally I’m cheering for Kile but I can see how a few others she could fall for. Eadlyn is just trying to prove herself as Queen and I can’t imagine the struggle of that! I did have to google how to say her name because it was bothering me
The Rejected King by Kortney Keisel

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Sooo @authorkortneykeisel knows how to begin a book... and end... and well everything in between! The Rejected King was sooooo good! This comes before The Promised Prince... but could read alone. It did make one or two things click more once I read this. So next time I reread these I’ll be reading The Rejected King first. And trust me, I’ll be rereading these lots!
Davin and Emree have their work cut out for them to boost Davin’s approval rating and also run the Promenade. There is such a tension between them the whole book. I couldn’t wait for Emree to dump her boyfriend because he seemed like such a jerk and doesn’t care for her. The whole book I was trying to scheme a way for Emree and Davin to be together. His kingdom is ruthless and I can’t imagine trying to follow your heart, do what is best for the citizens AND please them all at the same time. I enjoyed Emree and Davins love for books and their little secret book exchange. Emree’s jealousy about Patrice made me laugh. I could just hear how she was saying “Pat Rice” in her head all disgusted.
Thank you @authorkortneykeisel for writing these amazing books and I look forward to all your future books! Auto buy for me!
Panning for Love by Meg Cross Wenig

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Panning for Love by Meg Cross Wenig was a cute romantic comedy!
I loved the fun and unique storyline being a contemporary romance BUT they are in 1866 Wild West town on a vacay to escape reality for a bit... well more like dragged on a trip with a best friend getting over a break up. The romance took off right from the start and is quick, but they only think there is a week together. The town is full of secrets and fun, quirky people. All the characters are fun and lovable.
That Fine Line by Cindy Steel

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So I really enjoyed @authorcindysteel ‘s Christmas book... so just assumed this would be amazing too... and I was right!
That Fine Line was incredible and I really wished it could be 3x in length because I didn’t want to say goodbye... ok maybe need longer than that.

Not gonna lie, I was a little nervous with the possible love triangle goin on, but @authorcindysteel is magical and it’s not awkward/weird/uncomfortable. She’s practically a genius.

I knew Kelsey needed Cade from the beginning, but how to get rid of that pesky (seemingly nice) Parker. At first Parker seemed nice but piece by piece he started to erk me. Felt like there was more to Cade than the lifelong pranks, and enjoyed reading about the layers being pulled back. Kelsey is fantastic and I loved her personality and spunk. College age is definitely hard to learn where you belong and who you want to be. You learn so much about yourself during those years.
When the prank wars finally began it was hilarious. The build up and strain before they started was way worth it and made it super fun.

Country life sounded so blissful (besides all the hard farm work!). This book made me want to visit Idaho and all the beautiful scenery. I’m definitely a suburb girl, but enjoyed a glimpse into small town country life!

Can’t wait til Tessa has her own book because she was super sweet and such an amazing friend to Kelsey!
A Modest Independence by Mimi Matthews

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A Modest Independence is book number 2 in the Parish Ophans of Devon series.

Jenny is courageous and determined. Tom is full of secrets and a rough life. To just drop everything and follow Jenny to India was quite a risk for him and he hadn’t even really thought it thru before the impulse to follow overtook him. It was interesting to see what travel from England to India looked like during that time.

The book is full of adventure, travel and a relationship that you can define as “?”.
I do have to admit that I did like the book but I didn’t read every word. About the middle I started skipping sections. Good story line, but it was drug out a little too much.
Legendary by Stephanie Garber

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4.5 stars but rounded up! I think I liked Caraval the best so far because of the first entering into this world of magic. Had a bit more "what just happened". But Legendary was also good and a little more on the suspense/mystery side with some magic woven in all the nooks and crannies. This world sucks you in and submerses you in the story! Again, can't give too much away because the book is full of layers and secrets. I enjoyed learning more about the characters and some more of their secrets! Excited to read Finale!!!
A Lowcountry Bride by Preslaysa Williams

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I received this book in a giveaway from goodreads and the publisher. I tried to start this two times and both times just couldn't get into it. I do believe it has a good story line and the characters are well done. I'm hoping it's my mood and that I'll pick it up again some time to try again!
Falling for Your Enemy by Emma St. Clair

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This series has got to be one of my favorite series ever… no joke. @kikimojo definitely hit it out of the park and ended this incredible series with a bang! Whew… I’ll miss these fantastic friends!

The meet cute is full of sass and it was so much fun! The immaturity that came out of the awkward situation made me giggle so much!

I really relate to Sam.. sarcastic, smile/laugh when uncomfortable (always at the worst moments), not touchy freely, loves nerd ropes, feeling lonely despite being surrounded by others, and on the list goes. All the feels in this book! Rhys is quite the guy and… swoon. Their relationship is all over the place and the adventures they get in are hilarious!

Chapter 26… you’ll just have to read it…

This group of friends… whew. They have me giggling! I’ve soooooo loved being a part of their lives and I’m going to miss them!!!
The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams

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So I’ve never read a sports book… but I trust to write an incredible book no matter what and let me tell you it did not disappoint! I was only 40% of the way thru the ARC before I decided I need to buy the paperback for my shelf! Cannot wait til August 17 when it releases!

Where to begin?!? Friends to lovers sometimes is tough but this was spot on. Sports were heavily involved BUT as a non sports fanatic it didn’t take over the book and I wasn’t lost. I liked that cranky mom was a very small part and most of the drama is the tension which is pounding out of the book.

The characters… ummm… amazing. Nathan… should also win swooniest man award along with his other titles… The white board planning session had me giggling. This group of guys crack me up and I love their involvement in the story. They are so protective of her and are such a great cheering squad for the relationship. Bree is adorable and I loved her growth throughout the book and the courage she found. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to change from friends to more and the scariness of risking that.

This book is fantastic, incredible, hilarious, delightful, fun, ect ect ect… like all of her books. This actually might be my favorite even tho I highly recommend the others too. The wit and antics are off the wall amazing.

Thank you to netgalley for the complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. These opinions are my own