bellastardust's reviews
36 reviews

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

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true literature and i mean it!!!
Olga Dies Dreaming by Xochitl Gonzalez

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I really loved this book! I think it would’ve gotten five stars if the ending didn’t disappoint me.
I know there is valid critiques of this book, however this book never felt like it was trying to be ~revolutionary~ or replace reading historical texts. is it corny from time to time? yes. i’m personally okay with corniness and enjoy it! Some of the themes attempted failed but the ones that mattered most were executed well like Olga’s relationship with Dick.
i think the characters were really thought out, i really understood Olga. All the characters felt very lived in and thought out to small details like Pierto being in a latino frat. I really enjoyed the way it was written too from the different perspectives and letters from their mother. I do wish mateo’s perspective was included though.
I don’t think it was intended to make all these characters like-able which made the story so real.
Overall a fun and easy read!
Decolonize Multiculturalism by Anthony C. Alessandrini

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loved this book even tho took me forever to finish reading.
Multicultural at is core is good! Multiculturalism today bad!
I encourage all my friends who are interested in academia and just building a better world to read. I found this super captivating as someone finishing their undergrad in Race and Resistance and starting an Ethnic Studies M.A. in the fall.
White Tears / Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color by Ruby Hamad

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I’ve read a lot of intersectional feminist texts in the last couple weeks, this by far has been my favorite. I learned a lot about the struggles of aboriginal woman in Australia. I appreciated the interviewee’s perspectives added. It felt extremely personal and relatable since practically every single woman of color has experienced oppression and microaggressions at the hands of white woman. There was a lot of historical context that I did not know prior to reading. I think a younger version of me would’ve benefited from reading this
thank u ruby hamed