berilheral's reviews
247 reviews

Yitik Kızlar by Alex Michaelides

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neden mümkün olduğunca çeviri kitap okumamaya çalıştığımı bir kez daha anladım.
diyalogların yapaylığı, söylenen sözlerin klişeliği ve "boomerlığı" o kadar battı ve rahatsız etti ki odaklanamadım bile kitabın kendisine. sondaki twist gerçekten de beklenmedikti benim için o yüzden fena bir polisiye hikayesi değil belki de fakat yine de mitolojik ögelerin hikayeye yedirilmesi çabası çok yüzeysel ve yetersizdi fikrimce.
Atomik Alışkanlıklar by James Clear

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practical, easy to follow and doesn’t urge you to lie to yourself unlike some other “self-development” books
Yürümek by Henry David Thoreou

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adam doğayla kafayı bozmuş
Ariadne by Jennifer Saint

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i don't want to compare any-greek-myth-inspired-book-that-has-a-female-lead with "Circe" but i liked both books who offered us an alternative point of view which most of the sources disregarded.

we always believe or tend to believe the mighty "heroes" are people (or demigods) whom we look upon with, but what if they are not? what if they are horrible friends or treacherous husbands or terrible fathers? (which they usually are)

something to reconsider i believe
6.27 Treni by Jean-Paul Didierlaurent

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sadly gets better towards the end and ends at the peak of the love story
but still cute
Sessiz Hasta by Alex Michaelides

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great, now i will never trust a psychiatrist again...
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

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a true page-turner, a sincere and tragic story narrated with a simple yet beautiful language.
It's really hard not to empathize with the heroine.
certainly suggested.