bettiespages's reviews
219 reviews

The Academy by Katie Sise

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I very much liked the story, the main character has a great growth arc, I loved the representation of different relationships (both friends, family, romantic, and mentor) in this story. And overall a fun and cute story. But I hated the end. It felt like it just stopped. You spend the whole book hearing about the war games and about 1/4 of the book hearing about her leadership project. And then don't get the satisfaction of getting to see them even a bit. That was a let down, I'd have even loved a quick prologue that shows how the semester ends and lets us know if she's going back for her junior year.
The Virgin King by John Michael Curlovich

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It had such promise, the premise was fun. But Logan was annoying, the love interests didn't even meet until halfway through the book. And the sex was like this weird mix of behind closed doors but trying to be erotica? Not sure what that was about, every other page seemed to be...and then they were having sex....what?! No build up, no tension, no interest in anything other than and then they were having sex.
Hollywood Lies by Mari Carr, Lila Dubois

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Nothing is a better gift than when books are released early! Hollywood Lies was fantastic, I loved getting to see the other trinities lives and the Scholar Warriors were a great choice for novella material! Their relationship with each other is so fun.
As for the Trinity, I loved seeing the reality of the TM sacrifice and what someone might do to get out for the one they love. Franco is the greatest character in the whole series and I will fight anyone who tries to argue differently ♥️♥️♥️ a great read for an afternoon avoiding work