biteintobooks's reviews
563 reviews

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

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I really disliked all 3 women in this book. Could totally not relate with any of them. And almost hated Rachel for the choices she made. But, oh, I liked this book! It feels so weird to actually dislike the main characters but to love the story. Loved the plot twists and the way the relations all mix and come together. Reminded me a bit of Gone Girl, only that book was better to my taste.
If you liked Gone Girl, you will like this book!!
Lobsters by Tom Ellen, Lucy Ivison

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I would definately buy this book!
You could really feel that the parts about Sam were written by a guy and the parts about Hannah by a woman. Loved the sneek peak into the boys-world and the way the girls are around each other is recognizable.

Already knew the story was gonna have an happy ending, but I did wonder WHEN. Sam and Hannah keep messing it up together.

Hannah and Sam are awesome characters. The other characters in the book fit really well in this story.
There is humor, romance and a fast paced way of writing, witty jokes and sex-humour.

I love this kind of book. Just enjoyed it a lot!
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

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When I started reading, I really liked the way the words are striped away and replaced by other words.
I feel that the book lost this advantage through out the book. The writing style is like no other I've ever seen. With the repetitions in it and the stripes, I really think this should be more at the last 150 pages.

Also really HATED Juliette the first 150 pages of the book. She is so negative that it influenced my pleasure to read this book. At first I didn't trust Adam as well. Really liked the way the relationship between the two develops. LOVE Kenji, he's so sarcastic and funny.

After the first part, I really liked the story getting some action. Some questions getting answered.
Can't wait to read how the story will develop, now I started liking Juliette a bit more :)
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

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Oh, how I LOVE the humor. The chemistry between Hazel en Augustus is awesome!

Little spoilers ahead!

I hated that Hazel and Augustus had such a short time together. I wished for more, because I love their converstations. But it is like that in real life too. You don't always get the time you want with a person.

Love how they describe Amsterdam and that it is such a big part of the book. I go there very often, so loved to read about the Dutch people and their weird way of talking for example or the way they ride their bikes.

Felt really unfair that Hazel did not get her answers in the end, but loved the ending with the letter from Augustus.
Book made me sad, made me cry a little, made me laugh out loud sometimes, wich made some people look weird at me...

I just wanted more of their conversations and them being together, maybe that is the way Hazel felt too...
Eeny Meeny by M.J. Arlidge

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This is really what you expect from a good detective/thriller.

Love the fact that the story is told from different perspectives and that you also get to read some flashbacks. Really makes the story diverse and keeps the pace going. The plot twists are great!

Helen Grace is a really troubled main-character, but I love her strong personality mixed with her vulnerability. You get to know her very well in this first Helen Grace book.

In this murder case, no one is spared. You fear for every character and that's what makes it so good.

You hope this book will have a happy ending, but with a murder case like this, there are no happy endings...
The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

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This was a light and quick read on the one hand. But an emotional story with a message in it on the other hand.

It's not just abook about love and summer and the beach. It's about growing up, letting go, accepting your feelings and learn to live with the bad news.

Loved both the boys, can't figure out wich I like most.
Did not always like Belly and her jealous ways of thinking. Taylor and the friendship between the two was shallow in my opinion.

The ending was shocking for me, and can't wait to read the other two books. Really think that this book does deserve follow-up, so I'm happy I already have it :)
Landline by Rainbow Rowell

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I liked this cute little love story, as I may call it that. It was a nice, light, romantic read with some good humour in it.

I already know the stories where a couple grows apart and struggles to find their way back together, I was hoping this book would give me something else, and it did!
The fact that this love-story involves a magic phone, makes it an unique read. What I liked most about this book were the conversations. Couldn't wait for the book to give me another conversation. They were thought out very well, and you could really feel personality in the way the characters talk.

This book also came with some good life lessons/advice; it's never too late to reflect on yourself, or your behavior and it certainly isn't too late to change something about it!
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

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This was a nice story that is a light and quick read. I read about 50 pages a day and it didn't cost me that much time.

About the ending; It did not see it coming, so it was nice that it was unexpected but it also ended really quickly, that's why I gave this book 4 stars and not 5.
The spells in this book, really add something to the story and I liked reading new ones and learning what they do.

Baz and Simon are great together, and I loved their conversations. Baz is definately my favorite character.
The Host by Stephenie Meyer

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You know you've finished a good book when you look at the clock and it's 1 AM!

I loved everything about The Host, that I can't even start to explain. But for all of you who are curious; I'll give it a try!

At first, I don't understand why they even made a movie of this awesome book, it would never live up to your expectations if you have read the book.

The fact that family, love and humanity are such a big part of this book, is what makes it unforgettable. It's a book like no others. Aliens who are honest and against violence, who just want to make earth a better place? That's something unique in a book, for sure. All together with the love-triangle, wich is just impossible to have a good end, is what you think. The choices Melanie and Wanderer need to make, the exploration of earth and humans and the conversations between Melanie and Wanderer are some of the things I won't forget.

Another cool thing about the book and something that is very unique to me, is the way Stephenie Meyer named her chapters, they are all named with a verb that translates to the events in the chapter.

I give this book 6 out of 5 stars, how's that for ya?!

“It's not the face, but the expressions on it. It's not the voice, but what you say. It's not how you look in that body, but the thing you do with it. You are beautiful.”
- Stephenie Meyer -
The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud

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This book starts off right away with some creepy events! I actually felt scared for a bit, and was happy that I was reading during daylight.

I like the characters in this book (3 totally different people), combined with the "world" they live in. I love the fact that you get to know some more about Lucy's past. It's not too much, just exactly enough to understand her. The characters don't feel like 15/16 at all to me.

It would be nice if I knew there was a word-list in the back of the book, that explains some of the terms used. I found out after I finished the book, and I believe it could actually add something to the book. So use it if you are going to read the book!

I was suprised by some of the plot twists, and the ending was very well written. The whole book builds up to the ending and this makes you want to keep reading.

The end of the book was also a nice little suprise, it already builds op to the next book, so I will definately read that one!

I gave the book 4 stars, because of the last 3 pages.