biteintobooks's reviews
563 reviews

De zondares by Tess Gerritsen

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This is a good book, just as you can expect. I could really relate with Dr. Isles in some way.

I gave this book 3 stars because of the characters, I love the characters. They all have their way of speaking and a way of reacting to things and they don't feel shallow at all.

I didn't really like the plot. I figured some of the plot twists out real quick. Other plot twists just seemed out of place in this book.

I wanted to read a good thriller by Tess Gerritsen, thats why I started reading the book and that's what I got eventualy. A nice, quick read with good characters.
Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson

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"'Hi,' I said lamely. Unfortunately, finding out who my parents actually were had not improved my social graces by leaps and bounds. Oh, well."

The quote above shows exactly why I like this book. Max is so sarcastic and I love the touch she gives to converstations. For example; the way she mocks Ter Borcht and the scientists is so funny. Loved to read those parts!

When I was finished, I was so scared that this great series would be over, but thanks to Mr. Patterson, there is much more to read!

I give this book 3 stars. Can't give the book more, because this book is so full of action and plot twists, that I can't keep up with it. Sometimes it's just too much and it gets unbelievable at some points. Also; I don't even have time to process some of the plot twists, because a new one gets slammed in my face already. A little less would be better in this book, to my taste.
And I'm kinda sad that;
SpoilerMax and Fang did not even talk about their feelings, where was the romance at the end of the book?!

It was really nice though, to read another Maximum Ride book. I know that I will get a light, fast paced, funny book full of action when I pick up one of those.

Like I said; the ending made me feel like this was the last book of the series, but after some research I'm so glad it is not! The ending is nice and well written, I like the way Fang's story and Max' story come together.

SpoilerAnd the fact that the flock actually flies away in the end and there is no "happy-family-sappy-wealleatMexicanfoodfortherestofourlives-ending" is a +1 for me.
End of Days by Susan Ee

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Just really sad that I finished this awesome trilogy! Loved it all the way through. Fell in love with Penryn and Raffe ♡

Felt kinda weird though, that I was reading full pace action, and 4 pages later the book is finished. I believe this series deserved a better ending.
De eerste dag by Carolien Metaal, David Nicholls

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I really don't know what to write about this book......

Halfway through I was like "Hmm.. Is anything going to happen.. Those two people are only making themselves unhappy"

Then near the ending I was like "Yay, I really like how this is turning out"


So yeah.. I really like Em, she is smart and witty and has humour without knowing it. Dex is an asshole most of the book, but I like him near the ending, when he is discovers who he really is and is happy with his life.

But still.. This ending. It's gonna haunt me for some days. It makes you realise that you have to create your own happiness before it's too late and it all juts slips away...
The Final Warning by James Patterson

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I really wish this series would have ended after book 2 or book 3.

This is just more of the same, with a message about climate in it.

SpoilerYou already know the flock gets captures and they will escape. It's not even that exciting.

Only thing that kept me curious was the relationship between Max and Fang.
Think that you can keep kids addicted to these books longer, but I will quit the series from now on. It was fun while it lasted, and I will add the first 3 books to my own bookshelf :)
It's Not Summer Without You by Jenny Han

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In the first book you are floating around on cuddly fluffly clouds and in this second book they dissapear and you fall with your face flat on the ground. That's how I feel after this book.

I still liked this book a lot. Mainly because it's not always summer, that's how life is. Grief and sadness and loss are also a part of life, and that is what Belly is experiencing.

I do feel that Belly needs to sort herself out. Does she want Conrad or Jere? She has to choose and I really hope that the third book gives me all the answers. And Oh, I hope that it doesn't leave me broken hearted!
So excited to start #3!
January by Gabrielle Lord

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What a waste of money and time, even though I finished the book within 2 hours.
Feels like the writer tried to write this book within the week and had to make it to a deadline.


This book has no depth at all. I have no idea what most of the characters look like and they all lack personality.

The story is totally unbelievable. Within 180 pages of this book, the main character was on a sinking boat, almost eaten by sharks, kidnapped, robbed, wanted for murder on his little sister and uncle (his mother also believes he did it) and kidnapped again.

No depth in the characters, story, surroundings. So dissapointed. Will not read any other book in this series.
Shadow by Larson Johansson, Petrus Dahlin

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I can't and won't give this book more than 2 stars.
Before I start this review; Don't read the back of the book, it already spoils the whole story!

The characters seem a bit shallow to me. I would love to know more about their past.
From my point of view, the characters endure some crazy moodswings in this story, from cranky back to sweet over to annoyed. They ask themselves rediculous questions that are not even appropriate or right in that moment or scene.

Then we have Shadow, who is fleeing her country for almost 9 months now. But she speeks the language so well, it's not even believable. The relationship with Ruben is weird and shallow and yet, she falls in love with him.
Shadow practices voodoo, she must know how dangerous this is. She can get strength by doing good things, and she chooses to help Ruben take revenge by some kind of weird ritual, which (seems to me,) is not a good deed at all...

I can continue to name the flaws in this book, overall, the story was unique and felt like something different, I like the last 10 pages, where there is finally some action! I'm just a little bit disappointed. This book could be so much better...
School's Out - Forever by James Patterson

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I loved the first book and the second book did not dissapoint me.
You have humour, friendship and enough action to keep you reading. James Patterson did not forget the fact that Max and the flock are still kids, so they want to swim and go to Disney World, and it makes the characters much more believable.

I love the fact that you get to know Ari a little bit more, and the 'other' Max just freaked me out, in a good way.
I love the fact that the story is still a mystery with the Itex company and Max saving the world and what the hell does Jeb have to do with everything?

Ready to read #3!
Graan by Ruben van Dijk

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Ik heb echt geprobeerd dit boek leuk te vinden. Heb het 100 pagina's de kans gegeven.
De karakters trekken mij niet, er zijn zo veel karakters net niet goed uitgewerkt, dat is jammer.
De verhaallijnen lopen kriskras door elkaar, je leest steeds vanuit een ander perspectief, ook dat vind ik niet prettig.

Het ligt er te dik bovenop dat dit graanvirus te maken heeft met een soort complot.

Ik heb wél veel geleerd door dit boek, maar het feit dat ik totaal geen zin heb om dit boek verder te lezen en gestopt ben na 100 pagina's zegt genoeg. Dus 1 ster, helaas.