This was a fun read! I was surprised at how different it was than the show and I’m glad I watched the show first cuz I would’ve been so disappointed had I read the book first. Super good and enjoyable will probably read the rest of the series since the books are pretty short.
I really enjoyed this book. I love Reggie so much he was such a fun mmc. I really liked their relationship and the whole fake dating thing. I loved how it made basically no sense for Reggie to accept her but Amelia didn't question it. I also really loved the Frederick cameos because I loved him in the last book. I wish we could've gotten a little more of Cassie though. Reggie and Amelia's dad bonding over history was absolutely amazing and I loved it so so much. Also the entirety of them being at the cabin was even more amazing than I was expecting going into the scene ugh it was so good. Overall great read.
I absolutely adore this book. It was exactly what I needed right when I needed it. First of all, I love the fact that vampires are known and out to society and are seen as sort of celebrities. But the fact there's still vampire romance novels and twilight-esque material available is super super fun. Starting off strong with a breakup scene is honestly such a slay and I am here for it. I liked how the main character turned to being a valentine not just out of necessity but ALSO because she was really intrigued by it. I find that super refreshing and it just makes the whole job so much more appealing if she is super into it from the beginning. I really enjoyed the premise of the valentine's day ball and how that all went down. Super cool how she was offered as a delicacy and the emotions she grappled with feeling as though she was being used and discarded but also being kinda into it. Sebastian had my heart from the moment he was introduced! And I thought his court seemed very interesting despite Amelia saying it sounded boring to her. Alexander was super sketchy from the beginning and it is weird Amelia did not recognize that but I get it it is necessary for the plot.. no hate to her at all. I absolutely loved the estate and how beautiful it was. It was at that point in the book that I was really starting to be reminded of Rebecca (which as of now I have only gotten halfway through). But throughout the book I was really reminded of some themes in Rebecca which was super cool to read. Combining my love for classics with my love for romance books is always spectacular. Overall amazing book lowkey only thing I didn't like was the dog and that's just cuz I'm evil and don't like dogs.
I really enjoyed this take on vampires specifically the fact that the vampires weren’t as immortal as vampires typically are in media. I think it made the premise of vampires very intriguing since they did still need to care for their lives and take caution in certain circumstances. I definitely wouldn’t be a fan of this all the time but for this book it worked. I found the friendship dynamics between Sloane and Naomi to be interesting. How they still valued each other above all else despite the fact they got on each other’s nerves through the entirety of the book. The romance between Henry and Sloane felt sorta rushed but I guess that can be really typical for vampire romances. I definitely wouldn’t call this a romance book. I’d consider it literary fiction. I did however find Henry to be charming at times and routed for him despite the rush of their relationship and interest in each other. The grappling with humanity Sloane went through was something I haven’t seen quite as much in the vampire media I’ve consumed and honestly I found it quite annoying. It was a good representation of how someone would feel being turned into a vampire but at times I found her feelings about Naomi to be self-righteous and just hard to endure. Still though I did enjoy the book and I would recommend it to those who are looking for a more humanity driven book about vampires!
A really interesting read. I learned a lot about medical practiced of the past as well as present. I found it really interesting how the laws of certain places differ.
Really loved the portrayal of paranoia and derealization in this book. Also the coping mechanism of having something constantly playing in your ear… ironically I did that a couple years ago with Emily Austin’s other book Everyone In This Room Will Someday Be Dead. Would’ve been rated higher if it weren’t for her best friend I hated him unfortunately. He was just so bland and also creepy as hell. Love Polly and their relationship. I also loved the depiction of the mom’s mental illness it was really moving and gave a lot of insight into Enid’s mental space and past trauma in regards to her mom. I do feel like this could’ve been explored more instead of blaming everything on her dad in the end but that probably would’ve made the book way longer than it needed to be.
I just can’t get through it and I don’t want it to put me in a reading slump. I do think it’s an interesting character analysis of characters i’m just finding that I really don’t care about them
I really really enjoyed this book. It was well written with intriguing mysteries and characters. The second half was not what I was expecting but I did still really enjoy it and in-fact I think I liked it more than if it had been what I expected. I really loved the main character the choices she made were always really interesting and surprising and I found that was what made me not want to put the book down. I really loved baby as well. I was glad some of my theories came to fruition as I read which was cool. I do wish some of the more intense horror aspects were fledged out more but I understand why it is the way that it is!!! Highly recommend this book if you want something that’s gothic and dark academia but reads more as a lit fic book than anything.