boldeststroke's reviews
52 reviews

Bright Dead Things: Poems by Ada Limón

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But love: I'll concede this:
whatever state you are, I'll be that state's bird,
the loud, obvious blur of song people point to
when they wonder where it is you've gone.
Upstream: Selected Essays by Mary Oliver

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In the beginning I was so young and such a stranger to myself I hardly existed.

genuinely such a gorgeous collection, all these words of wisdom. mary oliver is as articulate and deft and gentle in prose as she is in poetry. felt as though i was meandering with her through those very childhood woods, but trailing a respectable distance behind, letting her reminisce the moments in nature on her own, merely an audience to the woman she will be remembered as for years to come. i love her so much.
The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry

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CLEAVE. To cleave to something is to cling to it with all your heart, he said, but to cleave something apart is to break it up.